Smartphones have become a vital accessory (necessity) in our everyday lives, with the model type and color often chosen to reflect our personality and style, not to mention the additional design features, customized ring tone and screen saver, all to reflect individual aspects of our personality. But have you ever stopped to think about what […]
Currently, technology connects with two of our senses (sight and sound). A study conducted by mobile manufacturer Ericsson, indicates that consumers expect an ‘Internet of Senses’ by the year 2030. This will include the ability to digitally transfer thoughts, have wearables that can immediately translate languages and experience taste, smell, touch, and temperature. As we […]
There’s a lot of controversy lately about increased connectivity, 5G, IoT (internet of things) and AI. There’s a general worry that the way tech is advancing so rapidly will have a negative effect on society. Well here we are with some GOOD NEWS!!! Last year alone, the use of mobile technology caused a global reduction […]
Google – Alphabet You may have heard that Alphabet is Googles parent company. Alphabet is responsible for the ‘google car’. Alphabet has its own autonomous car department which started life as a project by Google. This department is called Waymo. Currently, although not charging any fees, Waymo is moving riders around California. They want to […]
What is spectrum pricing? The spectrum, relates to the radio frequencies allocated to the mobile phone industry for communication on the airwaves. Aside from cellular telephony, radio frequencies are used for broadcast radio and television, air traffic control, shortwave radio navigation, computer networks and many other applications. Spectrum bands have different aspects which make them […]
The first and most obvious guess for what people are using their smartphone’s for would be, to make a call or send a text. Well actually, the era of the smartphone has seen a significant decline in phone calls as a means of communication – people are becoming more dependent on messaging and voice note […]
In the development and design phase of Artificial Intelligence software, the developer runs the risk of erroneously inserting data that may cause bias in the system. With the countless lines of code in each application, it can be challenging to know what values are being programmed in software and how algorithms reach decisions. What measures […]
One of the main limitations with medicine today and in the pharmaceutical industry is our understanding of the biology of disease. Here is where big data comes into play, aggregating more and more information around multiple scales for what constitutes a disease—from the DNA, proteins, and metabolites to cells, tissues, organs, organisms, and ecosystems. These […]
At Inside Telecom, we like to keep you updated on the latest technologies and advancements in this exciting era of change. Services like 5g, IoT, FinTech, and Cloud Computing are becoming more integrated in our daily lives. But how ready is your City? Is it prepared for the next industrial revolution? Cities that want to […]
Today, people are sharing more personal information than ever before – whether for online banking purposes, to verify billing information or to buy new products – heightened activity has meant that Fraud Detection in Telecommunications is at the top of the priority list. Telecommunications companies are striving to create a more resilient fraud detection system […]