
Promising tech efforts to support businesses amid the pandemic

As the pandemic continues, tech companies are coming forward with their best tech efforts to help businesses during the crisis. IT pros all over the globe are going all out to try and help organizations cope with the shift to a fully remote workforce, new software and learning methods. Inside Telecom has compiled some of […]

5 things you need to know about Coronavirus

When the Coronavirus began, scientists, government officials and healthcare professionals scrambled for a concise and consolidated explanation. As time went on, rigorous global research helped us understand the virus better. Here’s what we know. The virus is airborne In the beginning of the pandemic, health and safety regulators emphasized hand washing, social distancing, regular sanitization […]

NHS COVID-19 contact tracing app – All You Need to Know

The recently launched NHS contact tracing app against COVID-19 has been dubbed an important milestone in the battle against the virus. But how does the app actually work? And ultimately, will it make a difference? Inside Telecom shares a few important facts everyone should know. How can I download the NHS contact-tracing app? The NHS […]

5 facts about working from home you might not have considered

Before the pandemic, we could safely assume that most people’s idea of a job involved some kind of specialized facility. As the spread of COVID-19 worsened however, working from home became the new reality that many businesses faced. Since then, we have had plenty of time to explore remote work life and discover the real […]

COVID-19 vaccine research developments in the UK

Robin Shattock, Professor of Mucosal Infection and Immunity at the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London is leading the research for a candidate COVID-19 vaccine. The research team are recording data from the trials to infer whether the vaccine will be tolerated well by the human body and produce an effective immune response against the […]

COVID-19 tech investments surge as cyberattacks continue

According to Harvey Nash/KPMG technology leadership survey, the pandemic sweeping the globe has caused a surge in COVID-19 tech investments, the likes of which has never been seen before. Companies spent an extra $15 billion per week to stave off attacks during the pandemic, and InfoSec leaders and professionals are having a trial by fire. […]

Tech companies and their response to COVID-19

Major tech companies are donating millions of masks from their stockpile, as well as teaming up with hospitals for sharing and analyzing data and offering their computing abilities to help researchers. Tech companies – small and large scale – are acting as crucial respondents during the pandemic. After getting a lot of shade over the […]

TraceTogether - Singapore’s latest effort in contact tracing

Singapore’s latest innovation, TraceTogether Tokens, is the country’s latest effort to battle coronavirus but has also stirred up some privacy issues. The wearable device is a supplement to the current contact-tracing app and identifies individuals who might be infected by those who already test positive for COVID-19. All that users have to do is carry […]

Technology might help save sports during COVID-19

Sport has contributed to society in many ways by bringing people and communities together. However, the pandemic put a sudden stop to that and devastated an industry that once thrived on human interaction. With many venues temporarily closed, the future of sport might seem bleak… But all is not lost. In the UK, a country […]

90-minute COVID-19 testing device

Since the emergence of the novel Coronavirus, scientists, healthcare workers and physicians have stressed on the need for more rapid diagnostic testing. A recent study from Imperial College London shows that a new testing device can yield results in just 90 minutes. The new paper, published in the Lancet Microbe, claims that the new testing […]