I hate my voice. I know you do too. And science says we’re not insane for doing so. According to a survey, we are not the only ones either.
New studies suggest the use of ultrasound technology molds paths for the treatment of depression, addiction, or anxiety.
Surgeons and other healthcare professionals are utilizing the virtual space to maximize their skills and reduce complications.
A new study revealed that a radical hybrid cell type, referred to as “cluster number 7,” holds the potential to alleviate our waning memory.
Rice University Engineers have unveiled wearable, smart textiles that leverage haptic feedback to convey information directly to the wearer.
Google has become a major player in integrating AI and automation in healthcare with its AI-powered solutions.
The University of Exeter in Devon, England, has been developing smart sock technology. This is to help those who suffer from dementia. These socks collect data from the wearer, which is then sent by wifi to an app. Whoever has the app can see real time data which includes heart rate, temperature, sweat rates and […]
New in protein science, scientists at the University of Washington integrated AI to design proteins with dynamic structures.
Israeli firm responsible for manufacturing medical devices. BioProtect, received FDA clearance for its rectum shield against radiotherapy.
The voices advocating for women's reproductive health are speaking up, aiming to volacalize their concerns against Meta's algortihm.