
5G victimized by conspiracy theorists

Since the spread of Covid-19, rumors have been spreading rampantly about 5G and its link to coronavirus. Such allegations claim that 5G technology has adverse effects on the immune system. The source of these claims, that are not based on conclusive scientific evidence, is related to the frequency power of 5G. To back up these […]

T-Mobile US claims several new world firsts for SA 5G

T-Mobile US recently unveiled its plans to activate its new standalone (SA) 5G network later on this year, after a successful set of tests in anticipation of that goal, T-Mobile US had recently finalized its merger with Sprint, and has designed an SA 5G network with assistance from multiple vendors such as Ericsson, Cisco, Nokia, […]

CSPs may miss out on golden opportunity of 5G

CSPs (communication service providers) are putting all their hopes on driving revenue from 5G enterprise customers, however insights from market research company in India, suggests that they are in danger of missing out on their golden business-to-business 5G opportunity. This is potentially worth billions if not trillions of dollars in the coming decades, unless they […]

Vodacom starts up 5G mobile network in South Africa

5G mobile network in South Africa has been launched by Vodacom in three South African cities, with further expansion planned in other parts of the country. Vodacom has been temporarily assigned additional spectrum by South Africa’s telecoms regulator for the duration of the county’s state of disaster. Vodacom affirms that it has used this to […]

5G and data-driven business models

The arrival of 5G will be a transformative experience for global business. Through 5G network adoption, long-awaited solutions to a range of shortcomings in key communications technologies will emerge. The limitations of technology to contribute to business development and performance will be flipped over.  Taking this in to account, a recent telecoms report predicts that a third […]

Broadening 5G deployment

According to experts, the incredible speed of this technology and data delivery should bring vital changes across industries and to almost all economic sectors, unleashing a significant IOT ecosystem and enabling applications including advanced real-time communication, remote surgery, cloud-assisted autonomous vehicles, to name but a few. 5G has been highly anticipated as it represents a […]

More 5G lessons for Operators amid the Pandemic

The effect of the pandemic has been paralyzing on an economic level, in service industries and manufacturing businesses. There have been several reports lately about how tech giants such as Apple and Samsung have been forced to put back their plans for newer models due to be released this year. Supply and demand has been […]

Here's why 5G and Coronavirus are not connected

The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have given us much to think and worry about. Despite there being no validated in-depth conclusion about the health effects of 5G, there have been multiple rumors in the media lately, about conspiracy theories related to the virus. One such theory we would like to discredit is the link […]