Consumers have been fed a steady diet of sustainability messages for the last 20 years, at least in developed markets. And now this is becoming built-in to the choices we make when buying or remaining loyal to a brand. But our parameters for purchasing are becoming ever more demanding, particularly because of our increasing appreciation for the fragility of our planet.
When we at Inside Telecom were shown a sustainability-weighted, conservation-targeted marketing idea last week, such was the integrated thinking behind the idea that it was like looking into a crystal ball and seeing tomorrow’s consumers.
It’s a thrilling idea, converging tech and conscience in the marketplace. What’s more, the concept is a precursor to the relationship a brand must have in the future with their customers and prospects. If they want to survive. Endangered Voices is the name of the program.
HHI (Homat Al Hima International) and the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) are calling on consumer brands to recreate their sonic identities with the calls of various endangered species. And if you are in any way associated with the management of a brand, you’ll be all too aware of the engagement power of a simple, one or two second sound bite which accompanies a logo at the end of an online or broadcast commercial. Imagine your logo (or any brand logo that comes to mind) being accompanied by the familiar tune you associate with it, but delivered by, for example, the Eastern Imperial Eagle featured above; compliments of sonic technology.
This is What You’re Telling the Consumer
- We want you to know that this bird is endangered.
- We want you to know that we’re doing something about it.
- We’d like you to play a role.
This is How the Consumer will React
- Wow. A brand with a real, not fake, conscience.
- Wow. They’re doing something, not just talking.
- Wow. If I support this brand, that means I’m helping too.
So I acknowledge the above is just Marketing 101. But sometimes we need reminding that the age of consumerism is undergoing its second revolution in the digital age. And the new order has a simple manifesto: If you’re not aligning with sustainability, what exactly are you doing?
Through Endangered Voices, HHI and SPNL are busy signing up plenty of marketers who want to align their brand with humanity’s growing conscience about our home and our future. So if you want to know more, simply click on the link above..
But if you don’t, well, maybe it’s your brand that could become endangered.
Endangered Voices has been nominated for recognition at the Dubai Lynx Awards, an affiliate of the world’s most celebrated creativity festival, the Cannes Lions.
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