Adnan Kayyali

Junior social media strategist with a degree in media and communication. Technology enthusiast and freelance writer. Favorite hobby: 3D modeling.

Driverless Cars in Dubai are Coming Sooner than Expected

In the coming decade, Dubai’s transportation will undergo a significant change. Driverless cars in Dubai will soon become a common reality, and transportation is poised to undergo a revolution brought on by autonomous vehicles and other types of vehicles. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a leader in research and development (R&D) and technology, has taken […]

CurateDAO Introduces Curate-to-Earn Web3 Platform 

After the popularity of move-to-earn (M2E) and play-to-earn (P2E) gaming spread in 2021, thanks to STEPN (GMT) and Axie Infinity (AXS), another iteration of the “to earn” concept debuts in the form of CurateDAO’s Curate-to-Earn platform.  The CurateDAO team announced to Cointelegraph that they have launched a database platform resembling Pinterest on the Avalanche (AVAX) […]

Is the IQoo Z6 Pro 5G Worth Buying? A Thorough Review

Today, we’ll be reviewing the IQoo Z6 Pro 5G, that’s the pinnacle-cease version inside the new series. This is iQoo’s first Z-series phone to get hold of the Pro badging, and despite the name, its specifications and positioning indicate that it should be the genuine successor to the Z5. While the Z6 Pro 5G receives […]

Midjourney AI: Discord-based AI Art Generator 

Artificially intelligent internet bots can now produce extremely realistic-looking photographs almost instantly, with the best contender in the space being Midjourney AI.   AI and intelligent software have advanced recently, particularly in the areas of art, design, and photography. Even Google is working on a cutting-edge AI system that can produce hyper-realistic graphics using only simple […]

First 3D-Printed Alloy with High-Performance Flexibility and Immensely Strong Nanostructures

A group of researchers have 3D printed a double stage, nanostructured high-entropy compound that surpasses the strength and flexibility of other cutting edge additively produced materials. This advancement could prompt better execution parts for applications in aviation, medication, energy, and transportation. The work was finished by specialists from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the […]

Dubai's Sustainable City: All you Need to Know

Environmental sustainability is the modern era’s dragon, and Dubai’s sustainable city is the country’s latest attempt at slaying it. Sustainable urban planning is still receiving attention as a result of worries about climate change, renewable energy, clean air, and water. The Sustainable City Dubai is another eco-friendly project added to Dubai in response to climate […]

The Twisted Relationship Between Social Media and Politics

The ability to reach millions of people from behind a flickering screen is something we may take for granted today on sites like Twitter and Reddit but is no less a powerful tool not to be taken lightly. The relationship between social media and politics runs deep in today’s connected world, too deep for comfort […]

Have the Clone Wars Begun? The World's First Synthetic Embryo

Using only stem cells and a specialized incubator, researchers have reportedly created a synthetic embryo of a mouse in the lab for the first time ever without the need for fertilized eggs, embryos, or even a mouse. This accomplishment, which was made by a team led by scientists from Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science and published in the […]

How Can a DevOps Team Take Advantage of AI 

The phrases development and operations are combined to produce the term “DevOps,” which refers to a cooperative or shared approach to the duties carried out by a company’s application development and IT operations teams. With the ubiquitous use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) nowadays, how can a DevOps team take advantage of […]

The Future is Decentralized: Here's What it Will Look Like

The last few years have seen the words blockchain, web 3, and decentralization thrown around like potatoes in a food fight. Everywhere on the internet, you go, people are touting the merits of decentralized finance, business, and information infrastructure. The future is decentralized in the eyes of many entrepreneurs and tech enthusiasts, but what does […]