Boeing Under Attack from LockBit  

Boeing Under Attack from LockBit Boeing Under Attack from LockBit

On the 2nd of November, aerospace giant Boeing, confirmed its distribution and part division were cyberattacked by LockBit. 

The ransomware group is a cybercriminal organization based in Russia. It’s well known for targeting a wide range of industries like healthcare, finance, and Fortune 500 companies.  

It claimed responsibility for the attack and pressured them to release sensitive data unless Boeing didn’t pay millions of dollars in a ransom demand. 

Lockbit was the most active global ransomware group last year based on the number of victims: 1700 US organizations since 2020, according to the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). 

No danger to flights 

Aircraft safety was not compromised, according to Boeing. The company initiated an investigation instantaneously and took steps to contain the damage from the attack.  

So, what has been stolen from Boeing was financial information and customer data. 

The reputational damage 

The impact of the cyberattack on the Boeing operations has been significant, causing delays in production and interrupting its supply chain. And then, incurring significant costs in investigating the attack and restoring its systems.  

Unanswerable questions and doubts were raised about Boeing’s cybersecurity strength and its ability to protect sensitive data.  

In the wake of the cyberattack, Boeing took steps to improve its cybersecurity posture. The company hired additional cybersecurity experts, invested in new security technologies, and implemented new security policies and procedures. 

Reminder after October 

October, the cyber awareness month came to an end a week ago, and immediately this cyberattack happened….  

Companies of all sizes need to take the necessary steps to protect themselves. It’s a reminder of the continuous threat of ransomware attacks. So, implementing solid and rigorous measures such as backing-up data regularly and training employees to identify and avoid phishing attacks. 

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