How Can Technology be a Barrier to Communication?

Business organizations have been using technology as a primary tool to facilitate the communication process; however, it is still one of the main communication barriers. 

The effects of technology on communication include people tending to misunderstand each other’s messages without non-verbal signs such as body language, facial expressions, and eye contact. So, this is the point where technological barriers play their role. 

Excellent and appropriate coordination is present in successful organizations that work on effective communication. Any contact between coworkers inside the company and the outside world is an essential tool to accomplish the company’s goals. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where effective communication is paramount, individuals and organizations can benefit from leveraging a reliable essay writing service to ensure clear and impactful messaging.

Communication through technology such as email, text messages, and phone conversations are the perfect communication medium and make it easy. On the other hand, it reduces the possibility of face-to-face interaction, leading to more problems and misunderstandings between people. 

Will Technology Ever Hamper Effective Communication? 

Technology played an important role in making communication easy with the advanced platforms for internal and external media. Visual and audio communication made it easy to work from home and can be available to any team member all the time. 

In addition, technology is great for communication when connecting with family and friends who live far away. Communication through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, text messaging, etc., affects every day face-to-face conversation.  

Research shows that mobile technology negatively affects communication regarding face-to-face communication and sociability, according to a study by Kappa Omicron Nu

Some of the results that mobile technologies include are the increases of social isolation and internet usage, causing feelings of busyness and loneliness. It can also reduce communication and intimacy. 

But the main question remains the same, how is communication changing because of technology? To that, we can say that some business organizations still encounter some difficulties with technology and try to overcome them. 

They work with companies and individuals worldwide, resulting in language barriers. People of different nationalities speak a foreign language, and to communicate with them, they have to employ a translator, which is not a good option most of the time. Although, the latest technology of video and audio-conferencing technology has also made communication trouble-free. 

The nature of communication changed along with its increase in speed and volume. Mobile devices that fit in our pockets have tiny keyboards that make practical communication desirable, increasing the use of symbols, shortcuts, abbreviations, and new words that get the point across with fewer characters. 

For example, people switched to remote work and studies due to restrictions related to the Coronavirus, using the technology in hand for that purpose. The pandemic taught the education sector a critical lesson: the value of selecting the right communication tools

Another way of communication is creating apps that let people gather and discuss topics and matters related to their country or worldwide events such as Clubhouse, although this isn’t always reliable method of communication as Clubhouse was blocked in China for political communication.  

Thousands of Chinese flocked to the app, which allowed unfettered discussion with people abroad about democracy.  

Non-Availability of Communication Media 

Communication is also affected by technological disruptions, which brings a challenge, making it difficult for business leaders to envision what any particular disorder will look like in concept versus in action.  

Disruptions can affect a company’s productivity and the viability, future, and meaning of its project. 

As for the non-availability of communication media, communication might stay face to face rather than using applications or virtual platforms to communicate, making it harder for people to talk to each other nowadays. 


Technology changed many aspects of our lives, including the tiniest details regarding how we talk, eat, and listen, leading to the change of societies and mindsets relying on technology in every part of their lives. The world has become more tech-driven, and naturally, communication will be caught in the crossfire of technological development and human behavior. While technology broke communication barriers, the interconnection between people in various locations globally raised a bundle of tricky issues that could accompany us from now on as digital transformation takes over. 

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