
The Stink of Big Tobacco at Tech CEO Hearings

Live on CNN this weekend was the personification of everything wrong with social media. Mark Zuckerberg. On the twentieth anniversary of Facebook, the founder of Meta attempted to deride his own company’s research. But first he apologized to parents whose children have had mental health issues – some resulting in suicide – then insisted that […]

Is Cybersecurity a Low Priority in Lebanon?

Three hacking incidents in Lebanon this month have raised serious concerns about what sort of priority is being placed on the need for cybersecurity. On the 7th of January, video screens at Rafiki Hariri Airport replaced standard airport information with threats to Hezbollah. Two baggage carousels stopped working. And MEA (Middle East Airlines) passengers were […]

Is Unemployment’s Perfect Storm Approaching?

For about a year now, one of the most significant narratives in the developed world has been job losses due to the advance of AI. In every sector, AI is the heir presumptive to administration, management and research roles. This technology has even crept into the arts, confounding our notions of creativity with AI demonstrating […]

Keeping Up with the Consumer Electronics Show 2024

The Consumer Electronics Show 2024 is here and it’s looking cutting-edge already. It’s that time of the year again. The Consumer Electronics Show 2024 (CES 2024) is upon us and companies are gracing us with their latest innovations, thoughts, and feelings. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, allow me to introduce a […]

Five Times in 2023 The News Hit Us in The Heart

Don’t you find that sometimes, you don’t have to have any connection to events you read in the news to feel personally involved? We looked back on the last year’s stories to remind ourselves of those moments when the news stirred our hearts, evoked our anger, filled us with pride, darkened us with dread or […]