Search results for "elections"

Trump taking legal action to get back on Twitter

Almost 8 months following Twitter’s permanent ban of Former President Donald Trump from the platform, the ex-commander-in-chief is pleading his case to a federal judge to bring him back to the micro-blogging site. According to the complaint filed in the Southern District of Florida on Friday, Donald Trump is arguing that Twitter, “coerced by members […]

Apple, Google raise new concerns by yanking Russian app

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Big Tech companies that operate around the globe have long promised to obey local laws and to protect civil rights while doing business. But when Apple and Google capitulated to Russian demands and removed a political-opposition app from their local app stores, it raised worries that two of the world’s most […]

US-built databases a potential tool of Taliban repression

Over two decades, the United States and its allies spent hundreds of millions of dollars building databases for the Afghan people. The nobly stated goal: Promote law and order and government accountability and modernize a war-ravaged land. But in the Taliban’s lightning seizure of power, most of that digital apparatus — including biometrics for verifying […]

Congress asks tech companies for Jan. 6 records

A House committee investigating the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol insurrection has requested that telecommunications and social media companies preserve the personal communications of hundreds of people who may have somehow been connected to the attack. It’s a sweeping public demand from Congress that is rare, if not unprecedented, in its breadth and could put the […]

Washington’s probe leads to new Twitter feature

On Tuesday, Twitter announced plans to seek users’ judiciousness to further implement control over misinformation by launching a test of its latest feature that will allow users to report misleading posts. Following Washington’s pressure to go the extra mile to force the platform to contain possible misinformation, users will be reporting dishonest information through the […]

Facebook terminates NYU’s researchers accounts

Facebook suspended on Tuesday New York University research project’s accounts and prevented access to the social networking platform, successfully halting a study involving the platform’s target on political ads. Damian Collins, a British Conservative Party politician, implicated that Facebook is halting research over the Ad Observer tool that could expose the platform’s hidden agenda concerning […]

Cuba's internet cutoff: A go-to tactic to suppress dissent

Cubans facing the country’s worst economic crisis in decades took to the streets over the weekend. In turn, authorities blocked social media sites in an apparent effort to stop the flow of information into, out of and within the beleaguered nation. Restricting internet access has become a tried-and-true method of stifling dissent by authoritarian regimes […]

QAnon has receded from social media -- but it's just hiding

On the face of it, you might think that the QAnon conspiracy has largely disappeared from big social media sites. But that’s not quite the case. True, you’re much less likely to find popular QAnon catchphrases like “great awakening,” “the storm” or “trust the plan” on Facebook these days. Facebook and Twitter have removed tens […]

U.S. authorities seize Iran-linked news websites

The U.S. department of Justice announced on Tuesday that it has blocked various major Iranian state-linked news platforms accused of spreading disinformation. The move comes as a form of retaliation of previous claims made by Washington that the sites have been attempting to influence the American elections, with many pundits arguing that it will intensify […]

EU beefs up disinformation code to prevent digital ad profit

European Union officials unveiled plans Wednesday to beef up the bloc’s code of practice on online disinformation, with the aim of preventing digital ad companies from profiting off of “fake news.” EU officials said they were strengthening the three-year-old voluntary code to make it more effective at fighting the false information flooding tech platforms. “We […]