Search results for "drones"

IoT an essential tool for enhancing public safety

Internet of things (IoT) refers to billions of devices that are connected to the internet. These devices have the ability to transfer data without human-to-human or human-to-computer interactions. According to Bain & Company, the combined markets of the Internet of Things will grow to about $520 billion in 2021. This technology has now infiltrated into […]

Chinese Technology needed to fight against Covid-19 once again

Chinese technology has been used to fight against the spread of Covid-19 since the very beginning. The efficiency with which the Chinese government handled the outbreak was clear. However, it seems a slip up may have occurred. Seventy-nine new cases have suddenly emerged over the last four days in Beijing after two months of decline. […]

Tech facts you need to know right now

1. The United Kingdom is to review the role Huawei has in its 5G networks. Huawei had previously been given a limited role in providing equipment for the superfast mobile network, but this could now change. 2. Australia’s ‘Covidsafe’ app has faded into insignificance just one month after its launch. The contact tracing app reportedly […]

Robots help fight COVID-19

Robots are one group of workers on the frontline that have managed well though the pandemic. They are now recognised as an extremely valuable technology in the attempt to keep COVID-19 under control and look after those infected with the virus. These include things like the decontamination of hospitals and public spaces or delivering goods […]

Robots help fight COVID-19

Robots are one group of workers on the frontline that have managed well though the pandemic. They are now recognised as an extremely valuable technology in the attempt to keep COVID-19 under control and look after those infected with the virus. These include things like the decontamination of hospitals and public spaces or delivering goods […]

Google's smart-city plan is no more

Sidewalk Labs, a part of Google’s Alphabet company, has suddenly cancelled an ambitious (or, as many critics had it, “overweening”) plan to transform a largely derelict section of Toronto’s waterfront some 1.5 kilometres east of the Downtown district into a “super-smart city”. They have now used the ‘unpredictability of COVID-19’ excuse, they have now abandoned […]

UK broadband speeds revealed in latest research

The UK communications regulator, Ofcom, has published its latest (extended) annual research, the Communications Market Report 2019. The report shows that the average broadband speed across the country rose by 18% in the last year. It grew from 52.2 Mbps to 64 Mbps.  The report is formed on data gathered and collated in November of […]

COVID-19 and spending on Business Intelligence

Analytics and Business Intelligence projects have shown initial indications of defying the economic downturn that COVID-19 continues to create. Analytics and BI are being utilized by companies to plan and execute strategies that are paramount to their survival. Advisory services firm Dresner, published an interterm finding report from their 2020 COVID-19 impact survey report this […]

5G victimized by conspiracy theorists

Since the spread of Covid-19, rumors have been spreading rampantly about 5G and its link to coronavirus. Such allegations claim that 5G technology has adverse effects on the immune system. The source of these claims, that are not based on conclusive scientific evidence, is related to the frequency power of 5G. To back up these […]