Search results for "ai model"

CW TEC 2020 tackles the future of 5G and edge computing

One cannot muster the acronym 5G without leaving out edge computing, edge cloud, and edge services as a whole. Usually, data and cloud resources are stored away hundreds of thousands of miles away in data centers scattered all across the world; but with the telecoms rapid technological advancements, this process is able to happen around […]

Tesla CEO Elon Musk's next big bet rides on better batteries

Tesla is working on new battery technology that CEO Elon Musk says will enable the company within the next three years to make sleeker, more affordable cars that can travel dramatically longer distances on a single charge. But the battery breakthroughs that Musk unveiled Tuesday at a highly anticipated event didn’t impress investors. They were […]

Nigel Bayliff, CEO of AquaComms

Based on your many years of experience in the subsea cable industry, what are some of the most prevalent trends? What disruptive trends might affect your operations in the future? The industry has seen a move away from Carrier Consortia towards smaller private consortium models, with one or two carriers. A number of ‘traditional’ system […]

Impacts of the pandemic on SMEs: First in, first out

The pandemic sent shockwaves across the world with many SMEs bearing the brunt of the crisis due to the reduction in global demand for goods and services.   The worst effect of the pandemic on SMEs were the mass layoffs seen throughout all industries, although disproportionately. Disposable income that could have circulated in the economy became […]

Bill Gates Sr., father of Microsoft co-founder, dies at 94

SEATTLE (AP) — William H. Gates II, a lawyer and philanthropist best known as the father of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, has died at 94. Gates died peacefully Monday at his beach home in Washington state from Alzheimer’s disease, the family announced Tuesday. In an obituary the family credited the patriarch with a “deep commitment […]

Quest: smart home healthcare project receives funding

The University of Glasgow has received £5.5 m in new funding from the UK government for the Healthcare Quest project that will tackle the use of smart home technology to support independent living for elderly and disabled people. The money comes as part of a £32 m funding package announced by the Engineering and Physical […]

COVID-19 research to develop virus-trapping materials

A COVID-19 research collaboration between Virginia Tech and the University of Georgia is taking place to investigate the tendency of the virus to bind to carbohydrate-based polymers, such as heparin. If successful, they could be used to develop virus-trapping gels and surfaces, used in various protective and preventative health products and even diagnostics. In an […]

International investments in the Indian telecom sector boosts economy

India, the world’s second-largest telecom market, has been attracting foreign investors which paved the way for boosting the Indian economy. Top companies such as Facebook Google, Saudi Arabian Sovereign fund, General Atlantic, and Silver Lake Partners have expressed interest in Jio Platforms and Bharti Airtel, said Ram Sewak Sharma, Chairman Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, […]

NEOM: A $500 Billion smart-city to be built in Saudi Arabia

As part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s Vision 2030 plan to transform the Kingdom for a post-hydrocarbon age, a project entitled NEOM is currently being developed in Tabuk, in northwestern Saudi Arabia. On August 23, Saudi Energy Minister Abdul Aziz bin Salman said that his Ministry is ready to offer assistance to NEOM – […]

Digital to change business in a post-COVID-19 world

Since the start of the pandemic, we  have witnessed a lot of changes in the world around us. Many businesses have suffered huge losses amid the crisis, whilst others achieved success by turning challenges into meaningful change. What are the requirements today to launch and sustain a successful venture? Business leaders, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists […]