Search results for "ai systems"

States accused of fudging or bungling COVID-19 testing data

>By MICHELLE R. SMITH, COLLEEN LONG and JEFF AMY Associated Press PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Public health officials in some states are accused of bungling coronavirus infection statistics or even using a little sleight of hand to deliberately make things look better than they are. The risk is that politicians, business owners and ordinary Americans […]

Robots help fight COVID-19

Robots are one group of workers on the frontline that have managed well though the pandemic. They are now recognised as an extremely valuable technology in the attempt to keep COVID-19 under control and look after those infected with the virus. These include things like the decontamination of hospitals and public spaces or delivering goods […]

Cloud-native telco product taking shape for the market

Rakuten Mobile, characterizes itself as a global communications company and adopter of advanced telco technologies, has announced that it is going to acquire one of its suppliers: Innoeye (Innoeye, LLC and Innoeye Technologies Pvt. Ltd.), an engineering technology solutions company with headquarters based in Virginia, which has already supplied Rakuten Mobile with its converged OSS. […]

Twitter to label disputed COVID-19 tweets

By AMANDA SEITZ Associated Press CHICAGO (AP) — Twitter announced Monday it will start alerting users when a tweet makes disputed or misleading claims about the coronavirus. The new rule is the latest in a wave of stricter policies that tech companies are rolling out to confront an outbreak of virus-related misinformation on their sites. […]

COVID-19 and spending on Business Intelligence

Analytics and Business Intelligence projects have shown initial indications of defying the economic downturn that COVID-19 continues to create. Analytics and BI are being utilized by companies to plan and execute strategies that are paramount to their survival. Advisory services firm Dresner, published an interterm finding report from their 2020 COVID-19 impact survey report this […]

Semiconductor companies consider new plants in the U.S.

NEW YORK (AP) — Intel and a Taiwanese company are talking to the Trump administration about building new semiconductor plants in the United States amid concern about relying on suppliers in Asia for chips used in a wide variety of electronics. A spokesman for Intel, the biggest American chip maker, said Sunday that the company […]

The GSMA pushes for a united front on Mobile Money

The GSMA’s mobile money team has called on operators to help drive in the next phase of growth in the sector by adopting its new generation of protocols to create a harmonized industry and also to aid integration with third parties. The GSMA Director of Inclusive Financial Technology, Bart-Jan Pors and API Architect for Inclusive […]

CSPs may miss out on golden opportunity of 5G

CSPs (communication service providers) are putting all their hopes on driving revenue from 5G enterprise customers, however insights from market research company in India, suggests that they are in danger of missing out on their golden business-to-business 5G opportunity. This is potentially worth billions if not trillions of dollars in the coming decades, unless they […]

The role of cloud computing in telecoms

According to Martin Creaner, a leading author and strategic thinker in the global communications industry, there are many different aspects that are moving the world of telecoms forward, over the next few years. The future of the telco is going to be a disruptive model and one of the currents moving it forward, will be that […]

European virus tracing apps highlight battle for privacy

By KELVIN CHAN AP Business Writer LONDON (AP) — Goodbye lockdown, hello smartphone. As governments race to develop mobile tracing apps to help contain infections, attention is turning to how officials will ensure users’ privacy. The debate is especially urgent in Europe, which has been one of the hardest-hit regions in the world, with nearly […]