Search results for "new ai"

Using AI tools to help fight against COVID-19

Prior to the world being even aware of the threat posed by the COVID-19 virus, artificial intelligence (AI) systems had already successfully detected an outbreak of an unknown type of pneumonia in China. As the coronavirus spread, AI tools have been deployed to support the efforts made by the medical community, policy makers and society […]

The shining example that is Taiwan’s Coronavirus response

Taiwan’s success in managing the COVID-19 pandemic is a well-known and referenced case study of how to respond to a global pandemic. The innovative use and implementation of new and existing technologies, as well as the Taiwan’s Coronavirus response is a case worth studying for any country seeking to prepare for any future crisis or […]

Top Chinese startups against COVID-19

While some countries in the world successfully emerge from the current COVID-19 pandemic, some other countries remain behind. China has successfully fought its way out of the pandemic, Inside Telecom breaks down some of the most prominent Chinese startups against COVID-19. OneSightOneSight provides BIM and AR visualization services for building constructions. Via AR, hardware deployment […]

Pudong and Hongqiao Airports are expected to have 5G connectivity in November

China has been working seriously on including 5G initiatives as part of the aviation infrastructures. “Digitalization is a new value-growth point of the whole aviation industry”, said Xu Jun, vice president of Asia-Pacific OEMs of Honeywell Aerospace, according to Xinhuanet. On August 24, 2020, The Shanghai Airport Authority signed an agreement with Shanghai branches of […]

Trump administration imposes new Huawei restrictions

The Trump administration is further tightening restrictions on China’s Huawei, seeking to starve it of crucial components by cutting off all access to U.S. technology. “We don’t want their equipment in the United States because they spy on us,” Trump told Fox News on Monday. “And any country that uses it, we’re not going to […]

India: A new cybersecurity policy to be introduced by the end of the year

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, Cybersecurity attacks in India may have increased by 500% according to Pavan Duggal, a Supreme Court and Cyber Law expert. Cyber threats have potential impacts on Indian society, economy, and development. The introduction of a new cybersecurity strategy is crucial for India, considered home to the second-largest internet user base. “Threats […]

Riyadh Global Digital Health Summit harnessing technology against COVID-19

As part of an initiative by the G20 Saudi Secretariat, the Riyadh Global Digital Health Summit was launched earlier on Tuesday. The summit aims to adopt new technological solutions, improve accessibility and quality, and furthermore, reduce costs of countering the negative effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Bandar Al-Knawy, CEO of the Ministry of […]

Germany launches a new agency dedicated to cybersecurity

On August 11, 2020, the German Government announced the creation of a federal agency dedicated to combating cyber threats that undermine the country’s security, according to Deutsche Welle. The organization will receive 350 million Euros in funding up to 2023 and will be headquartered in the eastern city of Halle. In the long-term, the agency […]