Search results for "new ai"

Angolan billionaire Isabel Dos Santos resigned from Unitel Telecom

On August 11, 2020, Angolan Billionaire Isabel dos Santos decided to leave her position on the board of the country’s leading telecommunications operator- Unitel Telecom. This decision came out amid ongoing tensions between Unitel board members. In her resignation statement, dos Santos who holds a 25% stake in the company, said, “After 20 years dedicated […]

In a first, Airbnb takes action against guest for party

For the first time, Airbnb is taking legal action against a guest for violating its ban on unauthorized parties. The San Francisco-based home sharing company said Wednesday it is initiating legal proceedings against a guest who held an unauthorized party at a home in Sacramento County, California, last weekend. Three people were shot and wounded […]

Appeals court tosses antitrust ruling against Qualcomm

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal appeals court has overturned an antitrust ruling against Qualcomm, dismissing arguments that it unlawfully squeezed out cellphone chip rivals and charged excessive royalties to manufacturers such as Apple. The 3-judge panel unanimously sided with the San Diego chipmaker in tossing out a district court’s earlier ruling on a lawsuit […]

Competition and collaboration: A new pricing tool for telecom operators

Germany’s largest market research institute GfK has collaborated with technology designer Stickee aiming to develop the “Daily Pricing Monitor”- an automated tool designed for telecom data collection. This tool brings together competition and partnership between the telecom operators by providing pricing insights for all models in the Postpay, Pay-as-you-Go, Sim-Free, and Sim-Only services. The Daily […]

New COVID-19 test using T Cells

Indoor Biotechnologies, a global immunodiagnostics and biotechnology company based in Cardiff in the UK, was recently awarded funding from Innovate UK to develop a COVID-19 test using T cells. Successfully identifying individuals that have already been infected and have immunity would allow society to safely return to normal. In addition, reliable testing methods are needed since the […]

Pandemic hits Comcast 2Q; new Peacock service has 10M users

NEW YORK (AP) — The coronavirus pandemic took a toll on Comcast in the second quarter as movie theaters closed, theme parks shut down and advertisers cut back. The company reported Thursday that its NBCUniversal TV, film and theme park divisions, as well as its Sky unit in Europe, all suffered steep drops in revenue […]

New Google data cable to connect Europe to the US

A new Google data cable running along the Atlantic sea bed is to be launched connecting New York to the seaside town of Bude England and the city of Bilbao in northern Spain, which is set to be completed in 2022. Named the ‘Grace Hopper’ cable after the computer scientist and US Navy rear admiral. […]

Legal reforms aiming to secure the 5G network

5G is essential for moving countries forward. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, high-speed internet connectivity became crucial, as nations were obliged to shift to E-governance, and remote working. However, concerns were brought up on the security of the 5G infrastructures. The United States has been pushing its allies to remove the Chinese telecom giant Huawei […]

A world in isolation, a surge of new users for Twitter

LONDON (AP) — The global pandemic and U.S. protests are forcing a pullback by advertisers on Twitter, but it’s also led to an unprecedented surge of users. Average daily user growth spiked 34% in the second quarter, the company said Thursday, the largest jump in users ever recorded by the company. In an earnings call, […]