Search results for "COVID-19 "

Can drones help in the fight against COVID-19?

Imagine that the next time the world faces another pandemic like COVID-19, drones are ready to take to the skies to provide help. Some are able to quickly release necessary supplies, notify medical professionals to attend to those at risk, and safely disinfect hard-hit areas, while others employ cutting-edge technology such as thermal sensors, which […]

Twitter to label disputed COVID-19 tweets

By AMANDA SEITZ Associated Press CHICAGO (AP) — Twitter announced Monday it will start alerting users when a tweet makes disputed or misleading claims about the coronavirus. The new rule is the latest in a wave of stricter policies that tech companies are rolling out to confront an outbreak of virus-related misinformation on their sites. […]

COVID-19 and the shift in consumer behavior

Consumer behavior is likely to be permanently affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, along with lasting structural changes to both the consumer goods and retail industries. This had been identified by a survey conducted by Accenture, of over 3,000 consumers in 15 countries across give continents. The survey was first conducted between April 2nd and April […]

COVID-19 and spending on Business Intelligence

Analytics and Business Intelligence projects have shown initial indications of defying the economic downturn that COVID-19 continues to create. Analytics and BI are being utilized by companies to plan and execute strategies that are paramount to their survival. Advisory services firm Dresner, published an interterm finding report from their 2020 COVID-19 impact survey report this […]

Here come COVID-19 tracing apps - and privacy trade-offs

By MATT O’BRIEN and CHRISTINA LARSON Associated Press As governments around the world consider how to monitor new coronavirus outbreaks while reopening their societies, many are starting to bet on smartphone apps to help stanch the pandemic. But their decisions on which technologies to use — and how far those allow authorities to peer into […]

How Covid-19 is driving demand in clean energy technologies

Cities around the world are usually enveloped in pollution however, not right now. One of the few silver linings of the current Covid-19 pandemic especially for city dwellers worldwide, has been the improvement in the environment. Carbon emissions are set to decline by almost 8%, with a rising demand for renewable energy. According to the […]

UK develops COVID-19 contact-tracing app to help ease lockdown

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, new applications have been developed all over the world, to help slow the course of coronavirus. The contact-tracing app is one way to achieve this goal. First trials are underway in several countries, including Britain. Council and healthcare workers in the Isle of Wight will be the first to try […]

AI to help diagnose COVID-19 by listening to speech

In the battle against Covid-19 multiple artificial intelligence laboratories are now turning to a surprising piece of evidence that could possibly help diagnose the illness: people’s voices.  A team of scientists from Harvard and MIT are using machine learning to go through voice recordings from COVID-19 patients and healthy people to try and identify certain […]

Mauritius Telecom launches beSafeMoris to combat Covid-19

Mauritius Telecom has launched beSafeMoris to combat the spread of Covid-19. The virus which has so far, infected over 300 people and taken 10 lives, has prompted an initiative by the operator to keep the public safe, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation alongside […]

Covid-19 and its impact on the telecoms industry

So far 2020 has not been what we expected. The dreaded C word (Covid-19 or Coronavirus) has dominated the headlines and every aspect of our lives in recent months. Many of us around the world have been left wondering what this means for our working lives, and the future of the businesses we own or […]