Search results for "COVID-19 "

Covid-19 Medical Advisory Clinic to be launched by Doctor Anywhere

Medical Advisory Clinic to be launched by telehealth startup, Doctor Anywhere. Partnering with major insurers such as AIG and Cigna Singapore, Doctors Anywhere will offer their services free of charge to their policyholders. The Medical Advisory Clinic whose headquarters are in Singapore is a full suite service to those living in Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand. […]

Covid-19 AI diagnostics app for respiratory pathology detection

Covid-19 AI diagnostics app is being deployed to identify pathologies in patient’s lungs to help detect covid-19.  This helps determine the patient’s triage, or degree of severity and priority of treatment, after CT scan, which classifies the many respiratory-related cases doctors are wading through with much greater efficiency and accuracy. The categorization of cases by […]

Abbott Laboratories develop new serology test to fight COVID-19

Abbott Laboratories is an American multinational medical devices and healthcare company with headquarters in Abbott Park, Illinois, United States. As part of its latest offerings to the market, and in light of the current COVID-19 Pandemic, they have developed a new serology test that is directed at identifying individuals that are infected with the virus and who may have developed an […]

Robots help fight COVID-19

Robots are one group of workers on the frontline that have managed well though the pandemic. They are now recognised as an extremely valuable technology in the attempt to keep COVID-19 under control and look after those infected with the virus. These include things like the decontamination of hospitals and public spaces or delivering goods […]

New COVID-19 Detection System for infected patients

GenScript Biotech and the Diagnostics Development Hub (DxD) at Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) alongside Singapore’s Duke-NUS Medical School have entered into an exclusive deal whereby they will both co-develop and manufacture the serological COVID-19 detection system, otherwise known as the cPass or surrogate virus neutralization tests (sVNT). The first of its […]

A chance for telcos to drive the economy forward after COVID-19

Telcos are vital in retaining any degree of normality in a post-COVID-19 social and enterprise world. They will be not just be critical in allowing countries to manage the move away from COVID-19 related stagnation, but also in providing a robust national infrastructure to motivate GDP growth. This comes from the global tech market advisory firm, ABI Research.  In […]

States accused of fudging or bungling COVID-19 testing data

>By MICHELLE R. SMITH, COLLEEN LONG and JEFF AMY Associated Press PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Public health officials in some states are accused of bungling coronavirus infection statistics or even using a little sleight of hand to deliberately make things look better than they are. The risk is that politicians, business owners and ordinary Americans […]

Robots help fight COVID-19

Robots are one group of workers on the frontline that have managed well though the pandemic. They are now recognised as an extremely valuable technology in the attempt to keep COVID-19 under control and look after those infected with the virus. These include things like the decontamination of hospitals and public spaces or delivering goods […]

Faxes and email: Old technology slows COVID-19 response

By FRANK BAJAK AP Technology Writer On April 1, a researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention emailed Nevada public health counterparts for lab reports on two travelers who had tested positive for the coronavirus. She asked Nevada to send those records via a secure network or a “password protected encrypted file” to […]