Search results for "COVID-19 "

The healthcare industry - responding to change after COVID-19

As the current pandemic continues spreading, MedTech leadership aims to respond to changes after COVID-19 that are tied directly to the health crisis. Demand for urgent care equipment and supplies is far exceeding the production capacity. With healthcare experts warning of possible critical shortages of medical supplies, manufacturers are gearing up to meet the rise […]

Closing the digital divide amid Covid-19

People around the world do not have equal access to the internet. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, everything has shifted to the digital space. That’s why prioritizing work on closing the digital divide has never been more essential. A lack of internet connection means that students in rural areas are left behind and vulnerable […]

Online Initiatives against COVID-19

For those of us who aren’t scientists or healthcare workers, the pandemic might bring about feelings of helplessness. Of course, we can play our part by staying inside, maintaining good hygiene and taking our pre-cautions. But is there something more we can do? Thanks to social media, the internet, and big data-driven analytics, there are […]

Can a widely available drug help fight against Covid-19?

A widely available and relatively cheap drug can apparently save the lives of patients who have been seriously ill from coronavirus. Dexamethasone, is reportedly part of the world’s biggest trial, testing existing treatments to find out whether they work as effectively on patients with Covid-19. During the trial, led by a team at Oxford University, […]

Covid-19 Accelerating Development of Autonomous Vehicles

New opportunities for autonomous vehicles and intelligent solutions are emerging in China. Since the lockdown and the imposed restrictions on dining, retail, and everyday life, there has been a substantial increase in the use of driverless deliveries and non-contact operations. Autonomous vehicles have helped ease the burden of transmission by transporting essential medical supplies and […]

Chinese Technology needed to fight against Covid-19 once again

Chinese technology has been used to fight against the spread of Covid-19 since the very beginning. The efficiency with which the Chinese government handled the outbreak was clear. However, it seems a slip up may have occurred. Seventy-nine new cases have suddenly emerged over the last four days in Beijing after two months of decline. […]

Tunisian government efforts to contain Covid-19 raises privacy concerns

Governments are relying on data-driven technology to help contain the Covid-19 spread. The Tunisian government has been using SIM cards for tracking purposes. Cell site location information is one of the various methods used to trace individuals. Smartphones send signals to cell towers operated by telecommunications operators. This process generates information about a citizen’s precise […]

Taiwan’s TAITRA Launch Global Anti-Covid-19 Platform

An anti-covid-19 platform has been launched by TAITRA collecting and combining Covid-19 related information on one big site for global audiences, institutions and governments to refer to. TAITRA – the Taiwan External Trade Development Council, launched the platform with the slogan “we’re in this fight together” on June 4, 2020. The anti-covid-19 platform is designed […]

Digital Health Technologies against COVID-19

As the current pandemic continues to spread, we notice that digital health technologies are on the rise. With that in mind, we’ve taken the liberty of curating the top 5 influential digital health technologies being utilized right now, all over the world. 1: 3D Printing Healthcare institutions are facing a shortage of medical equipment, with […]

Airports to Implement Thermal Cameras That Screen for COVID-19

Airports around the world are being equipped with several devices such as full-body scanners, metal detectors, face-recognition technology and thermal cameras that screen for COVID-19, all in an effort to identify travelers that might be infected with the virus. Airports overseas and in the US are testing thermal cameras that screen for COVID-19, along with […]