Search results for "Machine Learning"

AI in education: bringing schools into the digital age

For the last decade, the education industry has dabbled with emerging technologies in the hopes of slowly integrating them within their educational models. However, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic took the sector from carefully dipping their toes into the technological stream and threw it headfirst into an unplanned experiment of online education to hold the fort. […]

Addressing the fear of AI in cybersecurity roles

Fear of automation has been present since the first industrial revolution, and as we slowly edge closer toward entering its fourth iteration, that very same fear has lingered and begun to creep up once more. Only now it has cozied up to another worthy ally that could unearth age old fears of job loss: artificial […]

Regulating AI: striking while the iron is hot

Bias has always accompanied us throughout our journey in human history. It has ushered us into safety and steered us away from the potential dangers of the elements surrounding us, be them natural or otherwise. Yet, years, decades, and centuries later, humanity has stumbled into a gigantic faux pas in terms of how we apply […]

The unlikely champion of Climate Change: 5G

5G has promised to bring many changes to how we lead our lives. Faster speeds, more security, an ecosystem supporting technological innovations, autonomous vehicles, robots, telemedicine, and so much more. However, while fueling the Fourth Industrial revolution, the fifth generation of mobile networks will need to be adopted with a green hand to usher in […]

The global fight to regulate 5G is happening right now

Almost everywhere you look, there’s a story about 5G and its impact on humanity from every conceivable aspect. The fifth generation of mobile networks has dominated tech headlines far and wide, where every telco, tech news outlet, and private tech firm has flooded the Internet with 5G content as far as the finger can click. […]

How can telcos capitalize on IoT?

Currently it’s hard for anyone to read tech news, attend webinars, or surf the Internet without the slightest mention of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the mix.  Set to become one of the most disruptive technologies since Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn’s invention of the World Wide Web, IoT holds so much promise across […]

Can AI & Fintech forever change the financial landscape?

The global computational arms race has augmented the technologies far and wide, bolstering their capabilities, and opening up a plethora of possibilities for companies across industries. FinTech is no exception to this, specifically when narrowing our focus toward artificial intelligence (AI).  Global AI in the Fintech market was estimated at USD 6.67 billion in 2019 […]

Quality assurance is now a business priority to help deliver trusted enterprise digital transformation

The 12th edition of the World Quality Report 2020-21 (WQR), released today by Capgemini, Sogeti, and Micro Focus, shows the steady evolution of quality assurance (QA) from a backroom discipline to an integral part of wider enterprise digital transformation. Contributing to business growth and business outcomes was the highest rated objective for testing and QA […]

Tourism industry looks to AI to champion COVID-19 travel

As the world slips into the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, industries are scrambling to find alternative ways to keep businesses afloat as consumer behavior shifts and adapts to a changing norm. As the Covid-19 era hastens the advancement of many technologies, enterprises are looking at tech to help improve business. One of the […]

Startups during COVID-19: Where are they headed?

Startups have remained focused and determined to adapt to the changes brought on by the pandemic, and in some cases, have been inspired to develop new ideas. Over half the fortune 500 companies were founded during an economic recession, and many more successful companies where founded in the years after that. Undoubtedly, many startups during […]