Search results for "computers"

Trade, technology and security at risk in US-China feud

BEIJING (AP) — They have the largest economies in the world. They spend more than anyone else on their militaries. From high-tech chips to control of the high seas, their interests are closely intertwined. The ongoing sharp deterioration in U.S.-China ties poses risks to both countries and the rest of the world. In the latest […]

Germany seizes server hosting pilfered US police files

BOSTON (AP) — At the behest of the U.S. government, German authorities have seized a computer server that hosted a huge cache of files from scores of U.S. federal, state and local law enforcement agencies obtained in a Houston data breach last month. The server was being used by a WikiLeaks-like data transparency collective called […]

Online Initiatives against COVID-19

For those of us who aren’t scientists or healthcare workers, the pandemic might bring about feelings of helplessness. Of course, we can play our part by staying inside, maintaining good hygiene and taking our pre-cautions. But is there something more we can do? Thanks to social media, the internet, and big data-driven analytics, there are […]

Apple previews new iPhone software, changes to Mac chips

Apple on Monday provided a glimpse at upcoming software changes designed to make the iPhone even easier to use and also announced a long-anticipated shift to a new type of chip to power its line of Mac computers. The preview of the next version of the iPhone’s operating system, known as iOS 14, highlighted Apple’s […]

China warns US of 'all necessary measures' over Huawei rules

BEIJING (AP) — China’s commerce ministry says it will take “all necessary measures” in response to new U.S. restrictions on Chinese tech giant Huawei’s ability to use American technology, calling the measures an abuse of state power and a violation of market principles. An unidentified spokesperson quoted Sunday in a statement on the ministry’s website […]

How Covid-19 is driving demand in clean energy technologies

Cities around the world are usually enveloped in pollution however, not right now. One of the few silver linings of the current Covid-19 pandemic especially for city dwellers worldwide, has been the improvement in the environment. Carbon emissions are set to decline by almost 8%, with a rising demand for renewable energy. According to the […]

Samsung expects profit decline as pandemic hits sales

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Samsung Electronics Co. said Wednesday its operating profit for the first three months of 2020 rose 3.4% from a year earlier driven by increasing demands for computer chips. However, the company predicted its profit would decline in the current quarter with the coronavirus pandemic eating into global sales of smartphones, […]

Crowdsourcing – collecting data to combat COVID-19

The majority of us are not healthcare workers or scientists and so may be feeling a little helpless at the moment. We can of course do out bit by staying inside and washing our hands, but is there anything else we can do? Luckily technology once again, provides an answer. Thanks to the internet, social […]

The Open COVID Pledge – an IP licensing program

In these times, we all have a responsibility to do our part in the current pandemic. This could be simply staying home, maintaining good respiratory hygiene and washing hands frequently. Some major tech innovators around the world have an even greater share of responsibility as key intellectual property and niche manufacturing capabilities can provide a […]