Search results for "AI society"

Ex-Facebook manager alleges social network fed Capitol riot

A data scientist who was revealed Sunday as the Facebook whistleblower says that whenever there was a conflict between the public good and what benefited the company, the social media giant would choose its own interests. Frances Haugen was identified in a “60 Minutes” interview Sunday as the woman who anonymously filed complaints with federal […]

Africa internet riches plundered, contested by China broker

Outsiders have long profited from Africa’s riches of gold, diamonds, and even people. Digital resources have proven no different. Millions of internet addresses assigned to Africa have been waylaid, some fraudulently, including through insider machinations linked to a former top employee of the nonprofit that assigns the continent’s addresses. Instead of serving Africa’s internet development, many […]

China's Ant Group to share credit data with central bank

China’s central bank will soon have access to the private credit information of hundreds of millions of users of Ant Group’s online credit service, in a move signaling more regulatory oversight of the financial technology sector. Huabei, Ant Group’s credit service, said in a statement that consumer credit data it has collected will be included […]

Parents in China laud rule limiting video game time for kids

Li Zhanguo’s two children, ages 4 and 8, don’t have their own smartphones, but like millions of other Chinese children, they are no strangers to online gaming. “If my children get their hands on our mobile phones or an iPad, and if we don’t closely monitor their screen time, they can play online games for […]

Ethiopia’s plan to revive its Telecom Sector

The slow process of releasing Ethiopia’s telecom market has finally reached an end with the licensing of East Africa’s Safaricom-led Global Partnership for Ethiopia’s consortium, granting the company a seat at the table to empower the government’s telecom services. Ethiopia is one of the last two countries in Africa to augment its national telco services […]

ANALYSIS: China extends control with online gaming crackdown

Hugely popular online games and celebrity culture in China are the latest targets in the ruling Communist Party’s campaign to encourage the public to fall in line with its vision for a powerful, more wholesome country. The message? Play less, study and work more. Rules that take effect Wednesday cut the amount of game time […]

China limits children to 3 hours of online gaming a week

China is banning children from playing online games for more than three hours a week, the harshest restriction so far on the game industry as Chinese regulators continue cracking down on the technology sector. Minors in China can only play games between 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Fridays, weekends and on public holidays starting […]

OnlyFans shocks creators by reversing ban on sexual content

After Onlyfans shocked its followers by recently banning sexual content from the site, the creators, many of whom began removing explicit content that violated the platform’s new regulations, are now allowed to go back to posting normally. In an unprecedented tweet, the steaming site announced that they’ll be reversing the ban initially put forth after […]

Gig apps for a pandemic economy: Part time, no commitment

For months, Gabrielle Walker had been looking for a part-time job. She applied to restaurant chains and retailers like Nando’s and Primark, and she scoured the job search site Indeed. Nothing. Then one day, Walker, a 19-year-old student at University College London, was scrolling through TikTok and stumbled on a video about an app called […]

Facebook announces new security measures to protect Afghani users

Facebook announced on Thursday new security measures for users in Afghanistan, as the Taliban regained control over the country after its government collapsed this week. “We’ve launched a one-click tool for people in Afghanistan to quickly lock down their account. When their profile is locked, people who aren’t their friends can’t download or share their […]