Search results for "social media platform"

India internet law adds to fears over online speech, privacy

It began in February with a tweet by pop star Rihanna that sparked widespread condemnation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s handling of massive farmer protests near the capital, souring an already troubled relationship between the government and Twitter. Moving to contain the backlash, officials hit Twitter with multiple injunctions to block hundreds of tweets […]

Online racial abuse targets England’s football players

England’s loss against Italy in the UEFA Euro 2020 final on Sunday night did not only crush the dream of millions who believed the championship was coming home, but it also unleashed a wave of deeply rooted racism that remains embedded in today’s modern world.  Social media, including Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, were flooded with racial abuse and slurs targeted towards England’s Black football players.   As anger boiled […]

Google faces French Ruling against Copyright Dispute

Google faced French authority ruling on its copyright dispute with media groups to negotiate whether it was negotiating “in good faith” over content and search result payments. In the wake of the major feud arising between France and the popular search engine concerning its position in online advertisement, France’s competition regulator revealed potential plan on […]

Trump files suit against Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Former President Donald Trump has filed a suit against three of the country’s biggest tech companies, claiming he and other conservatives have been wrongfully censored. But legal experts say the suits are likely doomed to fail, given existing precedent and legal protections. Trump announced the action against Facebook, Twitter and Google’s YouTube, along with the […]

What's in a tag? Twitter revamps misinformation labels

Last May, as Twitter was testing warning labels for false and misleading tweets, it tried out the word “disputed” with a small focus group. It didn’t go over well. “People were like, well, who’s disputing it?” said Anita Butler, a San Francisco-based design director at Twitter who has been working on the labels since December […]

Telenor weighs Myanmar exit as conditions worsen

Norwegian telecoms provider Telenor is currently assessing a possibility to exit the Myanmar market, citing the worsening economic and business environment outlook and a deteriorating security and human rights situation, with limited prospects of improvement, the company said in a statement late last week. This statement was echoed by news reported by Reuters, who quoted […]

UK watchdog tightens grip on crypto exchanger Binance

Popular cryptocurrency exchange company Binance has been baned by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), citing claims that it is not authorized to undertake any regulated activity in Britain, a statement by the watchdog said late last week. Binance is one of the main cryptocurrencies exchanges that provides a platform for trading various cryptocurrencies. Despite […]

From Biden to Congress, Big Tech is under mounting pressure

Without speaking a word or scratching a pen across paper, President Joe Biden drove up the pressure on Big Tech companies already smarting under federal and congressional investigations, epic antitrust lawsuits and near-constant condemnation from politicians of both parties. Biden last week elevated a fierce critic of Big Tech, antitrust legal scholar Lina Khan, to […]

How Big Tech created a data 'treasure trove' for police

When U.S. law enforcement officials need to cast a wide net for information, they’re increasingly turning to the vast digital ponds of personal data created by Big Tech companies via the devices and online services that have hooked billions of people around the world. Data compiled by four of the biggest tech companies shows that […]

India says Twitter knowingly not complying with local laws

The standoff between the Indian government and Twitter escalated Wednesday when the country’s technology minister accused the social media giant of deliberately not complying with local laws. Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said Twitter has chosen “the path of deliberate defiance” when it comes to following new internet regulations that digital activists have said could […]