Search results for "TECHNOLOGY"

It’s time to start regulating AI from within

This year has been a roller coaster ride for the United States, from the emergence and swift spread of the Covid-19 pandemic to dreadful natural disasters, and the ongoing trade war the U.S. has been waging against China. The main headline that has dominated the news and even shaped the narrative of the U.S. presidential […]

Telecom Egypt to construct largest international data center

Egypt’s top telecom operator, Telecom Egypt (TE) has announced the construction of the country’s largest international data center facility in the heart of its Cairo Smart Village. The data center – the first of its kind to receive the Uptime Institute Tier III certificates in the categories of design, facility building, and operational sustainability – […]

Medical community looks to VR to aid research efforts

As the second wave of Covid-19 infections hit, the medical industry is scrambling to find ways to continue trials and research as the gates of the world begin shutting down once more. Medical research labs far and wide have suspended their studies and kept mission-critical spaces open to resume the fight against the disease. Now, […]

Facebook demands academics disable ad-targeting data tool

Academics, journalists and First Amendment lawyers are rallying behind New York University researchers in a showdown with Facebook over its demand that they halt the collection of data showing who is being micro-targeted by political ads on the world’s dominant social media platform. The researchers say the disputed tool is vital to understanding how Facebook […]

What's holding remote learning back?

The pandemic triggered a shift to remote work that has been relatively smooth due to most modern offices already using an array of communication and collaboration tools. However, the case is not so similar for remote learning. Right now, the best technology at our disposal can’t solve some of the inherent problems of remote learning […]

Huawei sales up, but growth slows under virus, US pressure

Chinese tech giant Huawei, one of the biggest makers of smartphones and switching equipment, said Friday its revenue rose 9.9% in the first nine months of this year, but growth decelerated in the face of U.S. sanctions and the coronavirus pandemic. Huawei Technologies Ltd. gave no sales figure for the most recent quarter ending in […]

O2 expands 5G rollout in 100 UK towns & cities

UK operator O2 announced their fifth-generation network expansion plan that will cover over 100 UK towns and cities, a year after they had initially kicked off their 5G rollout.  While partnering with Nordic vendors Ericsson and Nokia for their 5G infrastructure, O2, which is owned by Spanish telco Telefonica, will allow existing customers a refresh […]

Contactless tech deployed in restaurant chains amid pandemic

As we continue adapting to the pandemic, we notice that our needs as consumers are rapidly changing. Not so long ago, standing in-line at a packed fast food chain, waiting to get served, was considered to be the norm in dining experiences; we can evidently see how this scenario can’t be applied in the time […]

Tesla 'full self-driving' vehicles can't drive themselves

Earlier this week, Tesla sent out its “full self-driving” software to a small group of owners who will test it on public roads. But buried on its website is a disclaimer that the $8,000 system doesn’t make the vehicles autonomous and drivers still have to supervise it. The conflicting messages have experts in the field […]

Healthcare cybersecurity on the rise, hackers close behind

Wherever there is technology, there is the risk of cyberattacks; and the healthcare industry is by no means an exception, especially since the global Covid-19 pandemic. A vast number of wide-ranging hacks and data breaches launched on hospitals and healthcare providers have drastically increased the industry’s investment within cybersecurity to protect not only their patients, […]