Search results for "HUAWEI"

Legislation that aims to protect and foster digital innovation

The press of the mouse button, the keystroke, or a computer code are all protected by law. Legally, these are considered as “Intellectual property” including the trademark, patent, and copyright. Intellectual property enforcement is crucial for innovation, development as well as for the economy. In fact, technologies are made public, so other people can build […]

Three new 5G licenses issued in Finland

Finland’s telecommunications market has been open for competition since the late 1980s. Thus, the country became an international leader in telecommunications. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many countries have been postponing 5G rollout. However, last week was crucial for Finland as three mobile operators secured new 5G licenses. In 2018, Finland was trying to compete […]

Alla Goldner, Director, Technology, Strategy & Standardization at Amdocs

Amdocs is an international company founded in 1982 that specializes in software and services for communications, media and financial services providers and digital enterprises. The company helps service providers, communications agencies and financial service providers with modernizing solutions that involve digitization and automating systems and services in many industries.  Mrs. Alla Goldner, Director, Technology, Strategy […]

Political and technical challenges may delay 5G deployment in Kenya

“A digitally empowered citizenry, living in a digitally enabled society.” This is the 2019 Digital Economy Blueprint vision for Kenya. It seems that 5G deployment is key for Kenya’s economy. During his presentation about the Financial Year 2019 to 2020, Henry Rotich, Former Treasury Cabinet said that the digital economy would boost the country’s economic […]

China's companies emerge as global donors in virus pandemic

By JOE McDONALD AP Business Writer BEIJING (AP) — As the coronavirus spread, the world’s richest communist dug into his deep pockets. Jack Ma, founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group and a member of the ruling Communist Party, helped to pay for 1,000 ventilators delivered to New York in April. Ma’s foundation also is giving […]

FCC decision: A challenge for the telecom industry

“There is no reason that we should be lagging behind” tweeted President Trump about 5G. The United States has been working hard to assume its position as an international leader of 5G technology. In fact, the US has been advocating against China Telecom giant Huawei claiming that the company could create a real threat for […]

The 5G debate continues: a detriment to health or not?

An international advocacy has been conducted against 5G technology deployment on social media under #Stop5G hashtag. Lawyers, scientists, doctors, and engineers have been engaging on a practical level.  By May 17, 2020, the 5G EMF Appeal was signed by 377 EU scientists and doctors. As of June 4, 2020, there are 291,307 signatories from 218 […]

India’s growing production powerhouse

Issues between the United States and China continue, however other countries can be forgiven for wondering why they should be considered as helpless bystanders as the worlds two main superpowers go head-to-head in a battle over which of them should attain or retain dominance in the global telecommunications business. Perhaps one of the most expected […]

India should consider legal reform to secure 5G technology

India is the leader of Internet Shut down in the world. In fact, legal frameworks were tailored to allow the authorities to do so. However, this political tool used by Indian authorities goes far beyond social media platform shut down. It has technical, economic and, human rights impacts. Meanwhile, it might affect advanced technology deployment […]

Tech facts you need to know right now

1. The United Kingdom is to review the role Huawei has in its 5G networks. Huawei had previously been given a limited role in providing equipment for the superfast mobile network, but this could now change. 2. Australia’s ‘Covidsafe’ app has faded into insignificance just one month after its launch. The contact tracing app reportedly […]