Search results for "tech companies "

Pfizer and BioNTech develop vaccine candidate against COVID-19

U.S.-based biopharmaceutical company Pfizer announced Monday the initial analysis of their early Covid-19 vaccine trials that showed more than a 90 percent efficiency in preventing the disease among participants that had no evidence of prior infection. The Pfizer vaccine has been tested on a pool of 43,500 people across six different countries, while not raising […]

EU agrees on tighter rules for surveillance tech exports

The European Union on Monday agreed to tighten up rules for the sale and export of cybersurveillance technology. EU lawmakers and the European Council reached a provisional deal to update controls of so-called dual use goods such as facial recognition technology and spyware to prevent them from being used to violate human rights. Under the […]

Tech Mahindra and Subex Partner to Drive Scale Adoption of Blockchain-based Solutions for Telecom Operators Globally

Tech Mahindra, a leading provider of digital transformation, consulting, and business re-engineering services and solutions, and Subex, an industry leader in providing services based on Digital Trust, have announced a partnership to drive scale adoption of blockchain-based solutions for telecom operators globally. These solutions will enable fraud mitigation and drive operational efficiencies for communication service […]

SMEs in Indonesia lean on FinTech to stay afloat

As the world currently heads into the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic, many countries have begun instilling new restrictions and rules to curb the rising number of infections. This is considered a nightmare for countries like Indonesia, which heavily relies on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to carry their economy forward. SMEs contribute a total […]

China determined to lead the line in technology & science innovation

China’s ruling Communist Party has drawn a roadmap that will take the country to the forefront of global innovation for the next decade, as it plans heavy investments within major technological and scientific projects. “The country will pursue innovation-driven development and implement a number of strategic projects in the fields of artificial intelligence, quantum information, […]

VR technologies: empowering human experiences

VR technologies empower individuals and create a much-needed form of escapism from the constraints of our day to day life. It comes as no surprise that amid the pandemic, VR has witnessed a resurgence in user numbers and engagement.  Coupled with augmented reality, VR allows us to feel closer to one another, move more freely […]

Tech employment – losses and recovery

In previous articles, we have tackled the impact of the pandemic on various professions and industries. However, there has been a notable surge in innovation and employment in the tech industry. This may come as a surprise to many. After all, the pandemic shook the foundations of global market overall, and everything with it. While […]

Embedded finance: the next phase of growth in Fintech

Financial services have always been the nervous system of the global economy, a critical system that must always provide effective and equitable services for social cohesion and enhanced development. While advancements in the Fintech industry have grown tenfold, the legacy 20th century business models in finance have grown out-of-date, with many not even adapting to […]

We must not neglect the ethical concerns of big tech

It is without a shadow of a doubt that ethical scandals in the tech industry have become the norm everywhere; every week, a new story surfaces about how the titans of social media have been breaching the ethical code of its users. However, we need to ask ourselves what “ethical tech” actually means? “Technologies have […]

Why tech giants limited the spread of NY Post story on Biden

When Facebook and Twitter moved quickly this week to limit the spread of an unverified political story published by the conservative-leaning New York Post, it led to predictable cries of censorship from the right. But it also illustrated the slippery hold even the largest tech companies have on the flow of information, particularly in the […]