Search results for "internet data"

Overcoming IIoT Deployment Challenges Through eSIMs

The Missing Link in Industry 4.0’s Connectivity Chain Industry 4.0 has been well and truly explosive for the last decade, and its growth doesn’t seem to be stopping. The Global System for Mobile Communication Association (GSMA) predicts that, by 2025, there will be more than 25 billion Internet of Things (IoT) connections globally. While IoT […]

Amid Mobile Operator Price Increases, Here’s How to Avoid the Hike

Feeling the Pinch? The rising cost of living is difficult to avoid. April 2022 saw food prices increase by 6.7 per cent, the highest petrol prices on record and inflation rise to a staggering nine per cent. As millions of customers see their mobile tariffs soar, Ross Slogrove, UK country manager at cloud calling specialist Ringover reveals […]

Japan May Force Big Tech Companies to Disclose Their Algorithms

Big tech companies such as Meta (Facebook), Google, Amazon, Twitter, and others have always tried to keep their algorithms close to their hearts. At the end of the day, these long stretches of code are main contributors to the company’s revenue streams. Whether it is in marketing, advertisement selection, recommendation, search optimization, or other functionalities, […]

How Digital Marketing Pushes the Consumer to Buy Low-Quality Products

Online consumption is constantly mounting with the continuous availability and deliverance of the internet. The margin of individuals going online to satisfy their shopping itch is increasing daily, and digital marketing has a massive role to play here. By promoting a particular brand, digital marketing creates a familiar ground between the consumer and the brand […]

China Cyberspace Regulator Cracks Down on Counterfeit Investment Platforms

China’s cyberspace regulator said on Friday that it has cracked down on counterfeit investment platforms, as part of the country’s campaign to combat such telecom network crime. The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) said it has investigated and cracked down on some 42,000 counterfeit apps since the start of this year, and incorporated them into […]

Disadvantages of AI in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI) are two very trending topics at the moment. AI has been the pivotal elements modifying business strategies, improving decision-making processes, and triggering automation in every industry in the world. The latest sentience debate is a clear indicator on serious and advanced AI is becoming nowadays. Cybersecurity is the other important […]

Crypto Crash Threatens North Korea's Stolen Funds as it Ramps up Weapons Tests

The nosedive in cryptocurrency markets has wiped out millions of dollars in funds stolen by North Korean hackers, four digital investigators say, threatening a key source of funding for the sanctions-stricken country and its weapons programmes. North Korea has poured resources into stealing cryptocurrencies in recent years, making it a potent hacking threat and leading […]

How Digital Transformation Led to the Global Semiconductor Shortage

The COVID-19 pandemic altered the dynamic on a global scale, hitting all sectors and industries, be it public or private sectors. The overtake of the pandemic entered the world in a digital revolution no one had forecasted. Digital transformation directed the societies and industries towards a hasty adaptation of the new norm, altering every dynamic […]

The Dark Side of the Metaverse

If you have ever opened a videogame chat lobby, you know what toxic behavior sounds like across the microphone. You will inevitably hear some flattering remarks targeting your family members or their respective private parts. While these issues have always been there, and most gamers are used to the occasional inappropriate remark or hurtful comment, […]

The Impact of Telecommunications on Our Society

The telecom evolution has been happening at a considerably fast pace. Civilizations flourished around the latest advances in technologies that allowed communications between distant parties. From smoke signals to pigeons and hawks, wireless communications went through several stages of evolution until reaching the current global connectivity we enjoy. The impact of telecommunications on society has […]