Search results for "internet data"

Cryptoverse: Stablecoins Wend Wobbly Way into the Unknown

Stablecoins, the safe and strait-laced cousins of crypto, are looking distinctly dicey. Tether, USDC and others lost their prized pegs to the dollar last week in a bout of market mayhem that shook faith in these coins that were designed to sidestep crypto volatility. But was it an isolated outburst, or are they losing their […]

Edge Computing and Intelligence: The Art of Shaping Next-Generation Wireless Networks

Data-driven applications and use cases have literally exploded in numbers in the last decade. Business and data analytics, artificial intelligence, internet of things, machine-to-machine applications, augmented and virtual reality, medical diagnostics, are just some examples among many more. This type of services has been increasingly relying on the availability of proper computational resources and software […]

Top Tech Skills to Learn in 2022

The future is for the techies. For some years, technology firms have been the most profitable businesses worldwide. It appears that tech businesses will maintain their dominance in the coming decades. If you are looking for a career that is challenging, financially abundant, and guaranteed to expand, then the following the below tech are the […]

The Downfall of NFTs: The End or Just the Beginning?

Is this it? Are we seeing the downfall of NFTs? Is the craze over? Can teenagers go back to working part-time instead of netting fortunes flipping Devious Ducks and Greedy Gorillas? Can the world return to normal, please? Well, the answer is a little bit more nuanced than a simple yes or no, but mostly, […]

Is Cloud Calling the Answer to Teacher’s Stress?

67 percent of teachers are under unprecedented pressure — how can tech help? The pandemic has made educator’s jobs even more challenging — according to the Times Educational Supplement Staff Wellbeing Survey, 67 percent of teachers had an unmanageable workload in 2021, compared to just 22 percent in 2020. To prevent work from spilling over […]

The Trinity of Future: 5G, Blockchain, and IoT

The futuristic league of 5G, Blockchain, and IoT will birth a balanced ecosystem, colliding telcos capabilities, IoT applications, and a cryptographic ledger to optimize business and daily functions. The mobile wireless network industry witnessed heavy alternations and developments throughout the years.  Developments that brought it to the advanced level it is in right now. Communication […]

The 4th Industrial Revolution and its Effect on Employment

The prospect of being replaced by robots or AI has long lived in the collective human psyche. From science fiction novels to economic influencers and doomers, they all see some future where humans must contend with mass automation and job loss brought by the 4th industrial revolution and its effect on employment. While arguments about […]