Search results for "cloud"

The Impact of Telecommunications on Our Society

The telecom evolution has been happening at a considerably fast pace. Civilizations flourished around the latest advances in technologies that allowed communications between distant parties. From smoke signals to pigeons and hawks, wireless communications went through several stages of evolution until reaching the current global connectivity we enjoy. The impact of telecommunications on society has […]

Reading Through the Dish 5G Network Launch

The latest fifth evolution of wireless networks has been shaping up the telecom sector for a couple of years now.  The US market is among the first to adopt the new standard. The three main operators, T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon have lately been joined by a new 5G provider, Dish. The company has long been […]

The Future of Portable Ultrasound Devices

The medical field has been benefiting a lot from technological advancements. The diagnostic, monitoring, and treatment tools have been getting smaller in size with ubiquitous usage capabilities and smarter decision-making. Ultrasound technology uses sound frequencies outside the human audible band, that is, above 20 kilohertz.  These safe waves are reflected from body structures, and processed […]

BlackBerry Revenue Tops Estimates on Auto, Cybersecurity Tech Demand

Canada’s BlackBerry Ltd topped Wall Street estimates for first-quarter revenue on Thursday, powered by growth in its auto products and cybersecurity services segments. Soaring demand for electric vehicles and connected-car technologies boosted sales of BlackBerry’s auto software, used in cars made by General Motors, Mercedes-Benz and Toyota, among others. BlackBerry said that revenue from its […]

The Central Role of Telecom Operators in the Metaverse

The digital world has been witnessing intermittent events that change how we interact, access information, complete our daily activities, and basically live our daily life beyond our physical connections. Probably the first prominent introduction was the Internet and the world wide web in the nineties. The next awaited event is the advent of the Metaverse, […]

The Big Tech Telecoms Convergence: Dream or Disaster?

Big Tech’s entry into telecoms is shaking up the industry 2021 was a huge year for tech giants and telecoms with Google, Verizon and most recently Amazon Web Services (AWS) all announcing plans to enter the telecoms space. The convergence of Big Tech telecoms is nothing new and each company has their own plans to […]

The Brave Browser as a Gateway to Web3 and the Metaverse

Nowadays, privacy is considered one of the leading issues in the internet’s structure, as web2 has been developed to accommodate some of the most prominent companies in the tech industry, with Google, Facebook, and Amazon leading the way and monopolizing and obtaining most data traffic. And that’s where Brave browser enters the equation.  This article […]

The Knock-on Effect of Police Use of Facial Recognition

For the police, the use of facial technology in a technologically accelerated world is nothing but a means to optimize their internal operations to deliver a more safeguarded environment, conduct faster investigations, and catch criminals. But for the public, the police use of facial recognition is a cause of concern in terms of a potential […]

How to Increase Sales in a Telecom Company?

The telecommunication sector has been evolving at an extremely high pace. Operators have had to constantly work on upgrades and evolutions on their network infrastructure, while developing new services in parallel. As a result, they have been even  forced to establish partnerships with many telecom vendors. Long gone are the days where operators had exclusive […]