Search results for "5G technology"

Biometric IDs could give Africa a place in the 4IR

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is attributed to a mélange of the digital, biological, and physical worlds, with rapidly advancing technologies at the helm such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G and many more. These technologies are already laying the ground for massive socio-economic disruptions that promise to […]

From tangible to intangible: The impact of digital IDs

Technology has made it a point to transform the tangible into the intangible. Online banking services and the rise of Fintech is slowly making our economies cashless, the Internet of Things (IoT) is giving us easier, and more seamless control over the every day items around us, and artificial intelligence (AI) has allowed a few […]

Mazen A. Dohaji, Vice President (iMETA) at LogRhythm

As technological advancements have skyrocketed, and the switch to digital is on the rise, cybersecurity will play a vital role in the transformation ahead.  As governments all over the world invest in smart city initiatives, the role of cybersecurity has been elevated to protect the fabric of society from cybercriminals looking to wreak havoc across […]

UK telecom companies face big fines under new security law

Telecom companies in Britain face hefty fines if they don’t comply with strict new security rules under a new law proposed in Parliament on Tuesday that is aimed at blocking high-risk equipment suppliers like China’s Huawei. The Telecommunications (Security) Bill tightens security requirements for new high speed 5G wireless and fiber optic networks, with the […]

Coolwave Communications Chooses for its DID Inventory Management Solution

The API, white-label cloud platform enables Coolwave to easily offer global numbers and messaging services to monetise the opportunity in serving enterprises, resellers, and the burgeoning CXaaS marketplace., an expert in global number and messaging cloud technology, was selected by Coolwave Communications, a European provider of bespoke voice and messaging solutions, for its global […]

How can telcos capitalize on IoT?

Currently it’s hard for anyone to read tech news, attend webinars, or surf the Internet without the slightest mention of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the mix.  Set to become one of the most disruptive technologies since Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn’s invention of the World Wide Web, IoT holds so much promise across […]

Kevin Taylor MBE - Indigo Telecom Group Chairman

This year has been a rollercoaster ride for industries far and wide, the most notable being the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on economies, governments, and companies alike. For many, financial numbers and results dipped, projects were cancelled, and investments stopped dead in their tracks as the world’s population took refuge in their homes. While […]

Telco cybersecurity: preserving customer trust as new technologies edge closer

Telecoms operators are vulnerable to cyberattacks around the world, mainly due to their critical national and international roles in infrastructure and communication, while possessing heaps of sensitive data from their large clientele.  Almost 43 percent of telecom companies have suffered from DNS-based malware in 2019 alone, noting that a staggering 81 percent of these companies […]

Can AI & Fintech forever change the financial landscape?

The global computational arms race has augmented the technologies far and wide, bolstering their capabilities, and opening up a plethora of possibilities for companies across industries. FinTech is no exception to this, specifically when narrowing our focus toward artificial intelligence (AI).  Global AI in the Fintech market was estimated at USD 6.67 billion in 2019 […]

The unstoppable rise of wireless technologies

It comes as no surprise that wireless technologies and solutions have integrated into every fabric of human life as we know it, from shaping our relationships to our worldwide economies. And it’s only going to go up from here. According to a report published by Transparency Market Research (TMR), the global wireless connectivity market is […]