Search results for "meta privacy"

U.S. Democrats push for tough data privacy regulations

The U.S. Congress surely returned to work with full force after a summer recess, as a group of Senate Democrats are now pushing the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to construct new regulations around data privacy protection. Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal led the initiative after garnering eight signatures from his colleagues on a letter that was […]

How 9/11 changed air travel: more security, less privacy

Ask anyone old enough to remember travel before Sept. 11, 2001, and you’re likely to get a gauzy recollection of what flying was like. There was security screening, but it wasn’t anywhere near as intrusive. There were no long checkpoint lines. Passengers and their families could walk right to the gate together, postponing goodbye hugs […]

Facebook profits top $10B as its CEO exalts the 'metaverse'

Concerns about a revenue growth slowdown pushed Facebook’s shares lower in after-hours trading Wednesday, not long after the company reported that its second-quarter profits doubled thanks to a massive increase in advertising revenue. But CEO Mark Zuckerberg set his sights far beyond the second half of 2021, exalting what he sees as the next phase […]

Apple reaffirms privacy stance amid Trump probe revelations

Seeking to protect its image as a guardian of personal privacy, Apple maintains it was blindsided and handcuffed by a Trump administration probe that resulted in the company handing over phone data from two Democratic congressmen. Apple delivered its version of events Friday in response to news reports detailing the U.S. Justice Department’s aggressive attempts […]

Apple CEO escalates battle with Facebook over online privacy

Apple CEO Tim Cook fired off a series of thinly veiled shots at Facebook and other social media companies Thursday, escalating an online privacy battle pitting the iPhone maker against digital services that depend on tracking people to help sell ads. “Too many are still asking the question ‘how much can we get away with?’ […]

WhatsApp denies its privacy update will violate privacy of users

WhatsApp has been at the epicenter of worldwide backlash and controversy in the first week of 2021 following their announcement of updating their privacy policy, which many around the globe found to be too intrusive. Under the terms of the new policy, Facebook will be able to collect users’ data from the app such as […]

WhatsApp’s new privacy policy: Give us your data or delete the app

In a controversial move, popular instant messaging app WhatsApp have changed their privacy policy to allow Facebook – its parent company – to forcefully collect private user data such as phone numbers, payment info, location, and more. Users who refuse to comply with the updated policy – that will come into effect as of February […]