Search results for "ai tools"

Facebook's Growth Woes in India: Too Much Nudity, Not Enough Women

On Feb. 2, when Meta Platforms reported Facebook’s first-ever quarterly drop in daily users, its finance chief identified higher mobile data costs as a unique obstacle slowing growth in India, its biggest market. On the same day, the U.S. tech group posted the findings of its own research into Facebook’s business in India on an […]

House Panel's Bill Would Block U.S. Buyers of Foreign Spyware

American spymasters would be able to yank business away from U.S. companies that purchase or market foreign espionage software, under a bill the House Intelligence Committee advanced on Wednesday. The bill must be approved by the full House and reconciled with its Senate counterpart before it becomes law. It follows media reports that Israeli spyware […]

Do we Depend on Technology Too Much?

From the moment our ancestors used sticks to poke at termite mounts or threw rocks at predators, our species has been fundamentally tied to the technologies that we use. As time went on, humanity became increasingly tied to the items we forge and create, and society itself was built and maintained with the tools in […]

Direct Picture Editing on Microsoft Edge is Coming Soon

In the near future, users of the direct picture editing on Microsoft Edge might soon be allowed via the right-click menu. When the most recent Microsoft Edge Canary version becomes available, the functionality will be a downloadable A/B testing option. Leopeva64-2, a Reddit user, shared their use of the feature on the site, demonstrating how it […]

Impact of Technology in Politics: The Internet and Democracy

The potential effects of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) on democratic processes have resulted from the exponential growth of the Internet. Taking into consideration the complexities of democratic administration and the historical ramifications of the digital era, the debate’s scope concerning the impact of technology in politics is astonishing. What is the Impact of […]

How Technology is Steering us Towards Digital Totalitarianism

Social media, the internet, and other digital tools, which were once hailed as great forces for human empowerment, connectivity, and liberation, have quickly come to be seen as a serious threat to democratic stability and human freedom. Social media platforms are demonstrating the potential to exacerbate risks such as authoritarian privacy violations, partisan echo chambers, […]

New Lineage of Financial Sovereignty: Future of FinTech in the UAE

The world is entering the new age of digital finance, and financial technology is a pivotal element that will help shape the industry’s future. There is no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic played an integral role in altering the UAE’s financial services, going from unconnected traditional ones to becoming a critical and essential factor that […]

Amid Mobile Operator Price Increases, Here’s How to Avoid the Hike

Feeling the Pinch? The rising cost of living is difficult to avoid. April 2022 saw food prices increase by 6.7 per cent, the highest petrol prices on record and inflation rise to a staggering nine per cent. As millions of customers see their mobile tariffs soar, Ross Slogrove, UK country manager at cloud calling specialist Ringover reveals […]

How to Check a Suspicious Link Without Opening it?

We are all well aware of the troubles opening a fishy link can lead us to.  Luring users to click on a given link has been of one the well-known techniques to get access to the device, install virus and malware or even go as far as creating a full ransomware attack. To protect your […]

The Industrial Metaverse and Digital Twins

Since Facebook announced it is rebranding to Meta, the long-forgotten concept of the Metaverse, which first appeared in 1992 in the novel “Snow Crash”, has suddenly become the talk of the town. The concept of the Metaverse is fascinating to say the least, for all the good and bad reasons. It is no longer a […]