Search results for "ai tools"

Top Metaverse Stocks to Buy in 2022

By the end of 2024, the worldwide metaverse market is expected to be worth $800 billion. The best way to multiply your wealth is to get in early, and as an investor, you, of course, want to hop on the bandwagon and ride the wave of profits that comes with this new and emerging industry […]

Delivering Total Experience is Essential for Communications Service Providers’ Revenue Growth

Customer expectations have changed and there’s no going back. The pandemic has been a catalyst: as we’ve all lived, worked, shopped, and played from home over the past two years,  we have grown to expect digital, intuitive experiences. Companies have had to adapt to these changing expectations while managing major operational constraints. Communication service providers […]

Advantages of Speech Recognition in Language Learning: When Benefits Go Beyond Literacy  

While the world is still exploring the beneficial effects of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, speech recognition is considered to be one of the pillars for some time now. Machine learning has been studied extensively in optimizing speech recognition for a variety of applications. Teaching and learning, auto-dictation, speech to text transcription and […]

Let Them Eat Cheese

Bo-Jo is wrong, working from home does work “My experience of working from home is you spend an awful lot of time walking very slowly to the fridge, hacking off a small piece of cheese, then walking very slowly back to your laptop,” said Prime minister Boris Johnson. Worryingly, he’s not the only person to […]

Boosting Subscribers and Maximizing Budgets: Why Your Cybersecurity Strategy Should Extend to Ad Fraud

The rise of remote working and cloud-based environments has triggered important conversations about cybersecurity in telecoms. Robust security training is a guarantee in organizations concerned about the repercussions of fraud to their subscribers, employees, and budgets. Tools like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have also seen huge amounts of investment from telcos to […]

Could Your Business Handle a Four-Day Week?

The UK is Trialling Shorter Weeks — But Are You Ready? We’ve worked from home, we’ve worked hybrid — but could we work less? A four-day working week is the “next, logical and overdue step” in the transformation of the workplace, according to director of the 4 Day Week Campaign, Joe Ryle. The standard working […]

Google Web3 Team Assembled Amid Crypto Craze by Google's Cloud Division

Google’s cloud division announced the launch of an internal team tasked with building services for blockchain and Decentralized Application (DAO) developers. The decision to create Google Web3 solutions comes at a time of increased interest, activity, and use of crypto, blockchain, and Web3 tools. Amit Zavery, Vice President of Web3 Infrastructure at Google Cloud, allegedly […]