Search results for "ai risks"

GTP: the secret behind unsecured 5G networks

5G networks bring high-speed internet connectivity. However, cities around the world can still go offline because of the GTP protocol.  Unfortunately, 5G technologies will not bring security to the networks and may expose them to fraud attacks. Thus, the 5G network still inherits 4G security challenges. 5G technologies include cybersecurity enhancements such as roaming security, […]

Huawei might lose its 35% share in UK non-core 5G network

It has been two weeks since Inside Telecom has reported about Huawei receiving permission to open a Research and Development Center in Cambridge. However, the debate about the Chinese Telecom giant presence in the United Kingdom has not ended.  On July 6, 2020, UK PM Boris Johnson signalled that the government might be imposing further […]

Data Privacy Laws in the backdrop of COVID-19

It is easy to understand how collecting and storing personal data is necessary and extremely helpful during a worldwide pandemic. Individuals found to be carrying the virus or deemed to be at risk by the artificial intelligence-based algorithms can be found, identified and quarantined which can effectively reduce the risks of transmission and infection. Privacy […]

Australia invests more in cybersecurity solutions

Australians are becoming more and more connected online and the cybersecurity threats are growing dramatically. Cryptomining, Data spill, Denial of service, hacking, identity theft, malware, phishing-scam emails, ransomware, scams, and web shell malware were identified as common online security risks by the Australian Cybersecurity Center ASCS. In May 2020, Scam Watch-a website run by the […]

COVID-19 impacts on the environment - not all positive

As the number of COVID-19 cases increased in Europe and North America during March, restrictive public health measures to avoid a worse pandemic were put in place. Measures included stay-at-home-orders, which were quickly adopted all across the world. As entire populations were ordered to quarantine and self-isolate, COVID-19 influences on environment were very noticeable at […]

Alla Goldner, Director, Technology, Strategy & Standardization at Amdocs

Amdocs is an international company founded in 1982 that specializes in software and services for communications, media and financial services providers and digital enterprises. The company helps service providers, communications agencies and financial service providers with modernizing solutions that involve digitization and automating systems and services in many industries.  Mrs. Alla Goldner, Director, Technology, Strategy […]

Virtual Reality – can it harm our eyesight?

While technology has enhanced our lives in many ways and offered solutions, too much of anything, has its own set of repercussions. Prior research has indicated that being overly connected can cause psychological issues, from distraction, narcissism, expectation of instant gratification, and depression. Besides affecting user’s mental health, intense use of technology (and physical inactivity) […]

The 5G debate continues: a detriment to health or not?

An international advocacy has been conducted against 5G technology deployment on social media under #Stop5G hashtag. Lawyers, scientists, doctors, and engineers have been engaging on a practical level.  By May 17, 2020, the 5G EMF Appeal was signed by 377 EU scientists and doctors. As of June 4, 2020, there are 291,307 signatories from 218 […]

Tech Startups Rush to Develop Immunity Passports

Tech start-ups are rushing to develop immunity passports. These are official certificates that are given to people that have recovered from COVID-19 or were asymptomatic before. The idea is that people link their identity to a coronavirus test result and then share their status with third parties such as employers, restaurants and airports. That’s how […]

Pandemic Disrupts Routine Immunization Services

As the pandemic continues spreading, the coronavirus is now disrupting lifesaving immunization services around the globe, and putting millions of children at risk of diseases like measles, diphtheria, and polio. This warning comes jointly from WHO the World Health Organization, Gavi the Vaccine Alliance, and UNICEF. The warning came just before the Global Vaccine Summit […]