Search results for "google AI"

Israel’s Tech Industry Hit Hardest by War

As recently as 2021, it was reported that Israel’s tech industry was booming, with one third of the world’s cybersecurity unicorns emerging from the country. Eric Schmidt, Google founder, also claimed that Israel is the best incubator in the world for tech entrepreneurs after the United States.  Although the industry accounts for only around 15% […]

If You Imagine that Jeff Bezos Lives in that Castle, You’ll Understand Techno-feudalism

A great friend of Inside Telecom and a frequent contributor, Cesar Tabr, sent me an interview yesterday between Channel 4’s Krishan Guru-Murthy and Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek Finance Minister. Mr. Varoufakis was explaining society’s journey from about eight hundred years ago to today. What made the interview fascinating was his ability to take an extremely […]