Search results for "donald trump"

Five Times in 2023 The News Hit Us in The Heart

Don’t you find that sometimes, you don’t have to have any connection to events you read in the news to feel personally involved? We looked back on the last year’s stories to remind ourselves of those moments when the news stirred our hearts, evoked our anger, filled us with pride, darkened us with dread or […]

Don't Be Too Sure About Deepfake Influencing 2024 Elections

It’s late December and the media are amping up pre-election chatter. The United States, the United Kingdom and India are all going to the polls. It’s the biggest election year in the history of the democratic process. The dominant narrative is, of course, AI. Deepfake video and audio content are threatening to laugh in the […]

Where the Biggest Lies Will Come from in 2024

The Israel Palestine conflict has reopened one of society’s widest and deepest latter-day schisms, augmented by ghastly truths such as Hellfire R9X missiles, and grisly lies like beheaded babies. Even people far away from the region find themselves passionately fighting with friends and family over who represents good and evil. Because everyone, near and far, […]

US-China Tech Clash, AI Supremacy Showdown 

Generative artificial intelligence (A.I.) in US-China tech battle is emerging as the new battleground, intensifying tensions despite recent talks between the two nations.  In the battle for tech supremacy between the United States and China, a new battleground is emerging. The clash between the two nations over key technologies, such as semiconductors, has prompted experts […]

Amazon Web Services Wake-Up Call 

In a temporary setback for Amazon Web Services (AWS), a widespread outage occurred this Tuesday afternoon, affecting a significant number of major websites, including the Boston Globe and New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority. The disruption hindered the ability of news organizations to report on the court appearance of former President Donald Trump in Miami, […]