Search results for "security breach"

Management of Passwords and Cyber Security

The password is the most commonly used mechanism to access mobile devices, networks, computers and accounts. As citizens of a digital society with multiple devices at our finger tips, and with access to more remote services, security requirements intensify. This can present challenges in the practice and management of passwords, especially in times of stress. […]

Italy's Ban on ChatGPT: Privacy Concerns or Geopolitical Factors?

Italy’s recent move to ban ChatGPT, a popular chatbot powered by artificial intelligence (AI) developed by Open AI, has sparked a heated debate among European regulators. While some argue that Italy’s ban is driven by concerns over data privacy and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), others suspect geopolitical factors are at play. […]

Italy’s ChatGPT Ban Attracts EU Privacy Regulators

Italy’s move to temporarily ban ChatGPT has inspired other European countries to study if harsher measures are needed to rein in the wildly popular chatbots and whether to coordinate such actions. While European parliamentarians disagree over the content and reach of the EU AI Act, some regulators are finding that existing tools, such as the […]

Don't Believe the Hype: IIoT Technology Doesn’t Expand Attack Surface  

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology has been rapidly growing in popularity in recent years. With IIoT, manufacturers can monitor their equipment, reduce downtime, and optimize production processes. However, concerns about IIoT attacks have led some to question whether IIoT increases the attack surface and makes industrial equipment more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This article […]

Quantum Computing in Banking: Is any of It a Good Idea?

As we speak, our traditional trust-based banking system is crumbling down like a house of cards. Most experts hope that blockchain-based finance, or in other words, no-trust finance, will salvage the economy. Now, more than ever before, people are careful where they invest their money. But with the threat of malicious quantum computing use cases, […]