Search results for "security breach"

Singapore’s Singtel breached via 20-year-old file transfer system

Singapore’s largest telco, Singtel, has been the subject of a cyberattack earlier last week after hackers breached the company via its use of legacy third-party file-sharing system by Accellion that compromised user data. The attack – which occurred on January 20 – was part of a wider global breach of File Transfer Appliance (FTA) file […]

Cybersecurity trends in 2021: Learning from a harsh year

This year has been unlike any other in living memory, barely any aspects of our lives have been spared by the impact of the worst public health crisis in decades. The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic shifted the way we lead our day-to-day, laying bare to our collective fragility, while greatly heightening our sense of uncertainty. The […]

Addressing the fear of AI in cybersecurity roles

Fear of automation has been present since the first industrial revolution, and as we slowly edge closer toward entering its fourth iteration, that very same fear has lingered and begun to creep up once more. Only now it has cozied up to another worthy ally that could unearth age old fears of job loss: artificial […]

Cybersecurity firm FireEye says was hacked by nation state

Prominent U.S. cybersecurity firm FireEye said Tuesday that foreign government hackers with “world-class capabilities” broke into its network and stole offensive tools it uses to probe the defenses of its thousands of customers, who include federal, state and local governments and top global corporations. The hackers “primarily sought information related to certain government customers,” FireEye […]

Employee blamed for Absa data breach

Absa, a Johannesburg-based financial services company, has revealed that one of its employees has leaked data pertaining to some of its South African customers – which include client ID numbers, bank account numbers, credit card numbers and mobile phone numbers – to several third parties in return for payment. “The employee has unlawfully made selected […]

Home Depot agrees to $17.5m settlement in 2014 data breach

Home Depot has reached a $17.5 million settlement with the attorney generals of 46 states and the District of Columbia over a 2014 data breach that exposed the payment card information of some 40 million customers. The Massachusetts Attorney General’s office detailed the settlement in a statement Tuesday, saying Home Depot agreed under its terms […]

Time to start taking cybersecurity more seriously

Cyberattacks across the world have drastically increased, while most of them don’t dominate headlines – such as the Adobe or Equifax breaches – hackers have targeted companies of all sizes seeing that business digitization is on the rise due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the world transforming into a data-fueled reality, the risks become larger, […]

Telco cybersecurity: preserving customer trust as new technologies edge closer

Telecoms operators are vulnerable to cyberattacks around the world, mainly due to their critical national and international roles in infrastructure and communication, while possessing heaps of sensitive data from their large clientele.  Almost 43 percent of telecom companies have suffered from DNS-based malware in 2019 alone, noting that a staggering 81 percent of these companies […]

Security by design principles: shaping the future of IoT

The main difference between the Internet of Things (IoT) from the traditional Internet is people.  IoT doesn’t rely on human intervention and interaction to function, but rather does so using smart sensors that collect, communicate, analyze and act based on the information it’s processing, which opens waves of value toward businesses.  Simply put, more information […]

UK cybersecurity body ramping up support to shield burdened NHS

Cybersecurity efforts in the UK have been focused on the health industry, as hackers and cybercriminals set their sights on a burdened NHS during the Covid-19 pandemic, a recent report by the Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) stated. “What we’ve done as an organization is really pivot towards the health sector to try and […]