
What’s Tomorrow like for Wireless Communication

Applications for intelligent terminals are growing, including those for smart cities, smart transportation, virtual reality, and augmented reality. The various needs mean that 5G networks still need to be enhanced. However, the exploration and use of upcoming 6G networks still heavily depend on effectively utilizing the resources. A new era of the Internet of everything would begin […]

The Core Alliances of South Korea 6G

Business Korea’s core alliances report that the government expects commercial 6G to become widely accessible from 2028 to 2030. What use cases will be made of the new technology as 6G networks promise speeds 50 times faster than those of 5G are still being determined. Even said, South Korea’s interest is not surprising given that […]

5G and the Metaverse: Powering the New Social Connections

Despite multiple tech giants working on it, the metaverse has yet to arrive in all its virtual glory. In addition, the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) has yet to be adequately adopted worldwide due to the public being satisfied and content with 4G. But once the metaverse is deployed, 5G adoption will skyrocket as […]

Can This Deal Save 5G?

As part of an “essential step towards 5G,” networking behemoth Ericsson has been awarded a five-year contract by Deutsche Telekom to lay the foundations for its mobile network. Ericsson will update Deutsche Telekom’s 2G, 3G, and 4G networks with a multi-standard solution. The Swedish telecommunications company will provide its multi-standard radio access network as part […]

Six Ways 6G is Different From 5G

Connectivity is ever-evolving. Looking back, the first generation of mobile networks developed in 1979 in Japan seems so primitive now that we have 5 G rolling out and 6G in development. 5G, or the fifth generation of mobile networks, is a wireless mobile network designed to connect virtually everyone and everything, including machines, objects, and […]

China 6G Satellite Ventures

The China 6G satellite launch is still recent. The world watched closely as the giant moved towards another push to dominate the market. Yet most critics remained on the edge of what they know and what they do not about the Chinese 6G plans. Most notably, the question remains, how will the US handle such […]