
Why do so Many NFT Projects Fail?

Almost one if every 100 starups usually fail to take off. NFT projects are no different, except that number actually jumps up concerningly. For every Bored Ape or Crypto Punk there are hundreds of failed NFT projects that never saw the light of day or fizzled out into obscurity. What are the common denominators that […]

Best Tech Inventions of the 21st Century that will Transform our World

We can envision the future by observing the present and making predictions about the future of humanity based on the technologies that are getting the most attention today. In the first half of the 21s century, we are already seeing the advancement of world-changing technologies that will shape the centuries ahead of us. Here is […]

How to Avoid an NFT Rug-Pull Scam

If you are going into the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) space as an investor or interacting on the internet for the past few years, you know that the NFT space is full of scams.   For those new to the term, rug pulls are NFT projects that promise big and disappear with investors’ money. Whether you believed […]

How to Make Money with Cryptocurrency 

The crypto industry is still young and evolving, only recently erupting into mainstream view. People are eager to learn how to make money with cryptocurrency as soon as possible.   While many are still suspicious of the whole crypto sphere in general, more people are seeing the potential wealth they could amass if they do their […]

Blockchain and Machine Learning in Finance

The past decade has brought a much more enabled open space for technological inclusivity and security business networks. The reduced costs for the public to further benefit from the financial sector came, including the banking sector. The incorporation of technology with digital security and financial customization gave birth to what is today known as “financial […]

CryptoPunks, Meebits Acquired by Bored Ape Yacht Club Creator

The creator of the celebrity-favored Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) non-fungible tokens (NFT), Yuga Labs, revealed on Friday the acquisition of one of the most valued and oldest brands in the NFT universe, CryptoPunks, in addition to Meebits, according to The Verge. It will aim to welcome a “community of builders,” Yuga Labs hopes to provide […]

UAE to Become a Blockchain Superpower 

It has been 13 years since cryptocurrencies first entered the finance world, in the form of the Bitcoin white paper.  This period saw lots of innovation, including the creation of the entirety of the decentralized finance industry, the rapid rise of tokenized assets in the form of non-fungible tokens, or non-fungible tokens (NFT), and a […]

A Noob’s Guide to GameFi   

The overall value of the gaming industry now exceeds 300 billion dollars worldwide, and that number is only expected to rise in the years to come.   Gamified Finance (GameFi) is the combination of games and finance. It fuses cryptocurrency, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), and Play-to-Earn games, which means that GameFi games are games with economic incentives […]