The Gambia, a silent revolution is transforming lives, fueled by Comium's vision to modernize financial services.
Comium Gambia
The Gambia's mobile telecommunications market, the reputation of, Comium, Monty Mobile, and their founder Mountasser Hachem, are under siege.
World Business Outlook is a highly influential online magazine based in the South East Asian business hub of Singapore, with a global audience. It’s a comprehensive, data-driven publication that provides sought-after analysis for the international business community. As highly regarded as World Business Outlook’s editorial is, so too is the awards list they publish every […]
Discover how Comium Gambia's free 4G connectivity initiative is transforming the nation, bringing better together.
It’s said that the first victim of war is the truth. It seems this well-known saying also applies to rumours of war, as well. No, say insiders at Comium Gambia. Yes, say those who have a vested interest in Comium failing. “The notion of a price war is, frankly, ridiculous,” says Isatou (Ida) Ceesay, Comium […]