
An Overview of the Physical Crypto Wallet

Even during its current winter state, the crypto world is still alive. New buyers are still coming in, maybe not as before, but still, some are committed to buying the dip. The Crypto wallet conversation is one to be had when venturing into the crypto world. Between the crypto physical wallet and its virtual counterpart […]

The Importance of Individuality in Web3

Web 3 simply refers to the next version of the internet, which supports decentralized protocols and promises to lessen reliance on major tech firms, and grants ownership to the very people that use it. Having said that, how central is individuality in Web3? Web3, while still a vague concept, represents the read/write/own version of the […]

What Are the Best Sports NFTs on the Market Right Now? 

On the blockchain, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) effectively serve as a means of proving ownership. They can store data from any digital object, including artwork and music files. In the world of sports and sports collectables, it is a ripe ground of the best sports NFTs to surface.  Ownership of NFTs may be confirmed via the […]

Melania Trumps' NFT Collection Explained

Recently, Melania Trump revealed a unique NFT line. Despite the criticism the former first lady has gotten for entering the NFT industry, despite her lack of technical knowledge, Melania Trumps’ NFT collection is significant in the context of virtual tokens and crypto investment since it brings even more attention to this rapidly growing sector. All […]

Sony's SNM Token Explained 

What if you could rent out your computer’s hardware from afar, and allow others to use its computing power while you are not using it? Sony’s SONM (SNM Token) is one of the most popular names in the crypto world right now, and for good reason.  The value of Sony’s SNM token is skyrocketing, offering […]

10 Cryptocurrency YouTubers You Should Follow

YouTube is an amazing place for learning. You get experts and hobbies who place hundreds of hours of research into the given topic and present it to you in layman’s terms. Few complexities cannot be overcome with a few YouTube videos, and that includes crypto, an intimidating subject for many, on which cryptocurrency YouTubers are […]

Exclusive - U.S. Sought Records on Binance CEO for Crypto Money Laundering Probe

U.S. federal prosecutors asked Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, to provide extensive internal records about its anti-money laundering checks, along with communications involving its chief executive and founder Changpeng Zhao, according to a late-2020 written request seen by Reuters. The Justice Department’s money laundering section asked Binance to voluntarily hand over messages from Zhao […]

Anthony Hopkins NFT: Immortalized on the Blockchain

Iconic Welsh actor, director, and producer, Sir Anthony Hopkins, has launched an NFT collection inspired by roles played in movies throughout his career, as well as his own artwork in collaboration with NFT creative media business Orange Comet. The Anthony Hopkins NFT comes after releasing his movie Zero Contact as an NFT last year.  “NFTs […]

Crypto Gambling: Future of Digital Gambling

Crypto gambling was always an inevitability. Gambling has existed for as long as recorded history. From ancient playing cards to dice games, to betting on animal fights and even gladiatorial arena matches in ancient Greece and Rome, this ancient vice as persisted throughout our history. It is no wonder we see it emerge in modern […]