X platform has launched a beta version of its new service called X Hiring. This new service enables companies to post job vacancies.
In an almost comically predictable turn of events, a data breach so immense, has been dubbed the ‘Mother of All Breaches’ (MOAB).
LinkedIn is ranking first amongst dating applications in finding ‘true love’. Is this what they call the LinkedIn dating trend?
On the November 1st, LinkedIn introduced an AI chatbot as a “job seeker mentor” for premium users, for now.
Microsoft's quarterly earnings disappoint investors, Azure supports Microsoft's revenue growth, contributing to investors' confidence.
Big Tech has been making headlines lately as governments all over the world are scrutinizing their business practices. In fact, Germany’s FCO found Apple to be “of paramount significance for competition across markets” earlier this month. But what does that mean for small and medium enterprises that use Big Tech’s platforms to advertise themselves, like […]
The dropbox data breach that recently took place highlighted prior security breaches. The passwords and data compromised come within an extensive list of primarily exposed credentials. It seems like dropbox is a frequent target for hackers. Dropbox might be considered negligent, but is that the case? Let us reflect further. How Did it Happen Like […]
NEW YORK (AP) — LinkedIn is laying off nearly 1,000 employees, approximately 6% of its workforce globally, with unemployment in the U.S. above 13% and national economies from Europe and Asia, to the Americas, shrinking due to the pandemic. The outbreak has disrupted commerce globally, closing thousands of businesses while forcing others to furlough large […]