
Relativity Space Launch Largest Ever 3D-printed Spacecraft

Relativity Space could revolutionise space travel with 3D printing. Relativity Space launched its Terran 1, an entirely 3D-printed rocket, from Launch Complex 16 in Cape Canaveral, Florida last Wednesday night. Standing at 110 ft. tall and 7.5 ft. wide, Terran 1 is the largest 3D-printed object to attempt orbital flight. As a two-stage, expendable rocket, […]

Relativity Space Launch Largest Ever 3D-Printed Spacecraft

Relativity Space could revolutionise space travel with 3D printing. Relativity Space launched its Terran 1, an entirely 3D-printed rocket, from Launch Complex 16 in Cape Canaveral, Florida last Wednesday night. Standing at 110 ft. tall and 7.5 ft. wide, Terran 1 is the largest 3D-printed object to attempt orbital flight. As a two-stage, expendable rocket, […]

NASA Awards Firefly Aerospace $112 Million Contract for Far-Side Moon Lander

NASA on Tuesday said it had picked U.S. rocket builder Firefly Aerospace to put a lander on the moon’s far side in 2026, under a nearly $112 million contract. “The commercial lander will deliver two agency payloads, as well as communication and data relay satellite for lunar orbit, which is an ESA (European Space Agency) […]

China Leads US in Global Competition for Key Emerging Technology, Study Says

China has a “stunning lead” in 37 out of 44 critical and emerging technologies as Western democracies lose a global competition for research output, a security think tank said on Thursday after tracking defence, space, energy and biotechnology. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) said its study showed that, in some fields, all of the […]

Airbus Wants Investors for Next Level Connectivity

Zephyr Goes to Market You’d think the development of an unmanned, solar powered drone capable of flying 21 kilometers above the Earth would be a hush-hush military project. You know the kind. Dreamt up and developed by ‘those freewheeling zealots’ a hundred meters below the Pentagon at Darpa and Skunkworks. Remember them? They invented the […]