
What Was Really the First Man-Made Object in Space?

As humanity approaches a new space exploration stage and is getting ready to send human-crewed flights to Mars using the Moon as an intermediary base, many people glance back to the 20th-Century space race, trying to evaluate our previous advances in this area. As to who put the first man-made object in space question, most […]

The Artemis Mission: Everything You Need to Know

Artemis, in ancient Greek religion, is the goddess of wild animals, the hunt, and vegetation and of chastity and childbirth; and the twin sister of Apollo the Sun God. To us modern people however, the Artemis mission is humanity’s second attempt at a moon launch that could pave the way for deep space exploration. NASA is […]

How to Teleport and Can You Actually Do It 

You probably have seen teleportation while watching a sci-fi flick or superhero movie. The idea you can go anywhere and instantly is fantastic, glorified in our pop culture. The leaps in technology allow us to hope in seeing teleportation soon. What is teleportation, and how to teleport? Questions that ever so intrigued humanity.  What Is […]

China Successfully Launches a Pilot Reusable Spacecraft - State Media

China successfully launched a pilot reusable spacecraft with its Long March-2F carrier rocket on Friday, state media CCTV reported. The unidentified spacecraft, which was launched from China’s Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, will return to a planned landing site after operating in the orbit for some time to provide technical validations for reuses, CCTV said. China […]

Chinese Astronauts Land on Earth After China's Longest Crewed Space Mission

Three Chinese astronauts returned to earth on Saturday after 183 days in space, state television reported, completing the country’s longest crewed space mission to date. The astronauts landed nine hours after they left a key module of China’s first space station. While in orbit, the Shenzhou-13 mission astronauts took manual control in the Tianhe living […]

Dubai Enters the Space Race with a Newly Appointed MBRSC Chief

As the United Arab Emirates (UAE) maintains its acceleration into the tech scene, Dubai’s Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center (MBRSC) publicized the new appointment of its director-general.  Dubai’s Crown Prince and President of the MBRSC, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum released an official statement publicizing the decision of the newly appointed deputy […]