Binance said on Friday its legal entity in Italy had registered with the regulator in the country, as the major cryptocurrency exchange seeks to gain traction in Europe. The registration of Binance Italy, which was established in recent months, could potentially make the company more accountable and reduce the prospects for money laundering. Binance said […]
The UK is Trialling Shorter Weeks — But Are You Ready? We’ve worked from home, we’ve worked hybrid — but could we work less? A four-day working week is the “next, logical and overdue step” in the transformation of the workplace, according to director of the 4 Day Week Campaign, Joe Ryle. The standard working […]
Global demand for eSIMs is skyrocketing — in 2021, there were 1.2 billion eSIM-enabled devices, and this figure is expected to rise to 3.4 billion by 2025. In recent years the world of work has changed at a rapid pace and businesses face the challenge of determining which new technology is right for them. Here […]
Russia’s communications regulator Roskomnadzor said on Friday it had opened administrative cases against Alphabet Inc’s Google and six other foreign technology companies for alleged violations of personal data legislation. Moscow has clashed with Big Tech over content, censorship, data and local representation in a simmering dispute that has erupted into a full-on information battle since […]
Republican senators want to bar U.S. app stores including Apple and Google from hosting apps that allow payments to be made with China’s digital currency, amid fears the payment system could allow Beijing to spy on Americans. The bill, unveiled Thursday and first reported by Reuters, states that companies that own or control app stores […]
Tiny slivers of ear tissue snipped from hours-old piglets offer valuable clues for the team at Best Genetics Group (BGG) as it strives to improve the genetics of China’s hog herd to produce cheaper meat for the world’s top pork consumer. Breeding pigs that have larger litters, reach slaughter weight quicker and require less feed […]
Elon Musk has won the backing of some of the world’s wealthiest investors for his $44 billion takeover of Twitter Inc (TWTR.N). From Oracle Corp’s (ORCL.N) co-founder Larry Ellison, a self-proclaimed close friend of Musk, to Saudi Arabian investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who had earlier rejected the takeover bid, a bunch of investors had thrown their weight […]
Gamified Finance, or GameFi, is erupting in the crypto world and represents the most prolific use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) today. It is a beautiful mix of two of people’s favorite things in life; Money and video games. 2022 GameFi crypto projects go beyond the mindless money-hungry phone tapping and produce video games that focus […]
A growing number of Chinese tech start-ups, once the darlings of equity markets, are willing to list shares publicly in China at valuations lower than during private funding rounds in so-called blood listings. Unlike tech sector woes elsewhere, triggered mainly by rising interest rates, the misery in China comes from frothy tech markets and disruptions […]
Google’s cloud division announced the launch of an internal team tasked with building services for blockchain and Decentralized Application (DAO) developers. The decision to create Google Web3 solutions comes at a time of increased interest, activity, and use of crypto, blockchain, and Web3 tools. Amit Zavery, Vice President of Web3 Infrastructure at Google Cloud, allegedly […]