In Databricks news, its Data Intelligence Platform for Communications is what the telecom industry needs to keep up with the changing times.
Updates on the Israel-Gaza War: For the last six days, Gaza has been suffering a telecom blackout, says NetBlocks.
Nokia and Germany will invest around $390 million into microelectronics development, to boost Europe’s telecom competitiveness for 6G and AI.
Norway's Telenor hopes to see consolidation in the European telecoms sector although the company itself does not have current concrete plans.
Red Sea Global (RSG) has entered into a partnership with Zain KSA and the French Serge Ferrari Group, to deliver a sustainable telecom.
The US EPA is seeking meetings this month with AT&T and Verizon as it continues to review the impact of lead-containing telecom cables.
Apple is aiming to develop a wireless chip to support its Apple Wi-Fi 7 connectivity, to implement for the first time in the iPhone 17 Pro.
NASA's Deep Space Communications has communicated data via laser from a distance 40 times greater than the Earth-Moon separation.
Now, you can have dual WhatsApp accounts on the same phone, effortlessly switching between your work and personal chats.
CEO of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers cautioned against the risks associated with internet fragmentation.