
Ensuring Fairness and Inclusivity in Advanced AI Systems 

The potential benefits and risks associated with the use of Advanced AI systems in decision-making processes.  Imagine you live in a world where decisions about your job, your finances, and even your freedom, are made by machines. These machines, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), can learn, and make decisions without human intervention. But can we […]

Is Nuclear Fusion the Future of Sustainable Energy? 

This article discusses the motivations behind the push for nuclear power, despite its significant risks and dangers. While nuclear power is viewed as a promising source of clean, safe, and future of sustainable energy, nuclear fusion remains a controversial technology.  Have you ever wondered why, despite its dangers and risks, nuclear power continues to be […]

How Verified Accounts Can Help Your Business Grow on Twitter 

The impact of Twitter’s blue check verification on social media marketing has been significant:  Looking back, social media was a space for casual conversations and sharing updates with friends and family. But as these platforms grew and businesses recognized the potential to reach customers through said channels, marketing on social media became a science of […]

Elon Musk's Commitment to Shaping the Future of Technology 

Musk’s investments in several industries demonstrate his commitment to shaping the future of technology and science.  Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has been in the news lately due to the significant drop in his net worth. In 2021 Musk’s net worth fell by $27 billion in just one week, according to Forbes, […]

 Building Holistic Water Management Strategies  

In regions with limited financial resources, finding a balance between the necessity of customizing water management strategies and the need for standardization and cost-effectiveness can be a difficult task.  Water is a vital resource for life, but it is also a finite resource. As the global population continues to grow, the demand for water is […]

UK to Curb Big Tech 

On Tuesday, the UK government revealed its intention to create new legislation that would limit the ability of big tech like Amazon, Facebook, and Google to stifle competition within the digital marketplace.  The UK government’s proposed law aims to not only enhance consumer protection but also regulate big tech companies to prevent them from suppressing […]