Empowering Regional Creativity

I’ve known Heather McDonald, one of the two protagonists of this article, for the better part of a decade. The impression she made on me, and doubtless, the whole media industry in the UAE was pure dynamite. As head of Filmmasters MEA, she had vision and an uncompromising attitude towards quality in both the films […]

Jocelyn Chahwan: A Champion of Brainpower, Not Fempower

Honestly, I wasn’t sure I was the right person for this interview. The article we had in mind was about a successful female banking executive in what is generally still perceived as an old boy’s club. A triumph of gender balance against the odds. Punching a hole through the glass ceiling. A woman who flew […]

The Telco That Put Principle Before Profit

UAE Telco du hoped that digital fasting would help to instill self-reflection during Ramadan. Not too long ago, one of the highest profile companies in the United Arab Emirates conducted an experiment during Ramadan. The company was Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC) and the experiment was for telco du to create a ‘technology fast’ within […]

The Arab Health 2023 Saga: The CME-accredited Conferences

In recent years, the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region has been seeking to take their rightful seat at the global table of technological advancements. A previous article, for example, showcased how two of Africa’s significant telcos championed the continent’s representation on the global stage. In this series of MedTech-oriented articles, “The Arab Health 2023 […]

Are You Keeping Up with the Fintech-Telecom Train?

In 2023, critical decisions will be informed by enhanced data analytics as a result of increased data application. In 2023, fintech in telecom, and vice versa, will allow the financial sector it to provide various tools to support financial transactions anywhere. When 5G is completely implemented in 2023 by authorized 5G operators, fintech will rely […]

Do Not Worry About Telecom Monopoly

When many businesses provide rival goods or services that are comparable but imperfect alternatives, monopolistic competition exists. A monopolistic competitive industry has minimal entry requirements, and decisions made by any one firm do not immediately affect those of its rivals. The price and marketing choices made by the rival companies serve as their points of […]

Dubai Metaverse Strategy: Real Steps Toward Virtual Leaps

With its promise to bring forth endless opportunities in social connections, mobility, and intertwining the physical world with the virtual one, the metaverse will open new economic ventures of all scales, and city is riding the wave towards its next technological advancements with the Dubai Metaverse Strategy. The City of Gold announced plans to work […]