
UK to rollout first-round of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine

The British Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) recently gave the green light to rollout the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for commercial use in the UK. The first batch of vaccines are already making their way to the UK, with 800,000 units expected in the coming days. Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social […]

New technology has made COVID-19 group tests possible

An independent technology and product development company, The Technology Partnership (TTP) has developed CoTest, a pooled screening device for conducting COVID-19 group tests.  The vaccine is coming but when and who will get it first still remains unclear, but what is for sure is that testing cannot stop now, or in the next year at […]

South Africa embraces tech against the pandemic 

As the Coronavirus continues to spread, businesses, governments, startups and citizens in South Africa are all playing their part. While the death toll remains low, infections have not decreased as initially hoped.  Tech companies, government and big businesses are putting their best foot forward to fight the pandemic while harnessing tech innovations. Inside Telecom sheds […]

What to expect when returning to work after the pandemic?

Most people seem to agree that life after the pandemic will never be the same. Although clubs, restaurants and cafes will eventually return, and people will resume outdoor activities again, most people remain anxious about returning to work after the pandemic. Business owners should consider the mental wellbeing of their employees. Many feel anxious about […]

China to reopen global travel with QR Code

In an attempt to ease up travel and recover from the pandemic, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for a “global mechanism” that utilizes QR codes to open up international travel. Jinping commented that China needs to “further harmonize policies and standards and establish ‘fast tracks’ to facilitate the orderly flow of people.” The QR codes […]

Robotics in the MENA region finds good footing amid virus

As the need for contactless health and safety solutions becomes ever-more essential, robotics in the MENA region is taking off. The forward-thinking startups, students, and entrepreneurial minds have stepped up to meet the growing demand by addressing a complex situation with hands-on solutions. In the UAE, entrepreneur Aswin Sarang, understands that the demand for robotics […]

The multi-cloud adoption boom

As the rapid advancements in tech continue – fueled by the current pandemic – we find ourselves stretching our limits and breaking boundaries. An important area that has gained significant traction this year is cloud computing, and more specifically, multi-cloud adoption. What is multi-cloud?  For those of you who are not familiar with the concept, […]

Why GovTech adoption during COVID-19 is a must

GovTech is a new term that refers to the modernization and/or digitization of government services for better accessibility and efficiency of public services. A mouth full, but this suggests a need for governments to do what the private sector has been doing from the start: embrace and incorporate industry 4.0 technology. However, to do so […]

Vaccine warriors: University of Oxford COVID-19 vaccine update

As the race for a new COVID-19 vaccine continues, the University of Oxford vaccine is effective at stopping people from developing COVID-19 symptoms. Overall, results indicated 70 percent protection rate, however, researchers claim that figures can increase to 90% if the dose is modified.  Study lead, Andrew Pollard, Professor of Paediatric Infection and Immunity at […]