AI Can Now Decipher Babies’ Cries

A group of engineers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard, and Stanford, collaborated on an AI-powered baby translator that can analyze a baby’s cries to determine whether the baby is hungry or in pain. It’s called Capella.
You can actually track your babies’ sleep and routines while receiving insights into your child’s communication. A further goal for Capella is to tackle medical conditions and acknowledge behavioral disorders, like autism.
Hold on you gentlemen, you think that it’s not for you? Well, yes, it is. And don’t send it to your wife.
The majority of moms have instincts; therefore, they don’t need any analyzers to feel or understand their babies’ cries, either immediately or in a very short space of time.
But, fathers, don’t shy away from your responsibilities. You can lend a hand to your wife. We can’t always generalize because there are some fathers that are hands-on daddies. They can use this application because they don’t have the same ‘motherly instinct’ as women.
“We use the latest in AI and machine learning technology to create innovative sound analysis software solutions. Our flagship product is designed specifically to alleviate the two biggest challenges of new parenthood: lack of sleep and worry about your baby’s wellbeing,” stated Capella.
Is the baby hungry, tired, or in pain? All these feelings are going to pop on your smartphone with the application downloaded on two phones, one that is beside your baby’s crib and the other phone is on your phone, especially at night. It alerts you to the feelings or the needs of your baby.
Babies Just Cry
Babies don’t say a word until the age of 12-18 months, even though in this range babies won’t loudly express their feelings properly so that parents can understand.
One of the most crucial aspects of the application is that mothers who suffer from hearing problems or are deaf do a great deal for facilitating and easing the communication journey between the mother and the baby.
“There is no real rule. It’s not like we’re looking at pitch or frequency. We’re not looking at anything specifically because we’re training models that figure out how to classify the cries themselves,” told Apolline Deroche, founder, and CEO of Cappella to Freethink at CES 2024.
According to Capella, it’s 95% accurate, and the algorithms used on the application were developed after studying 1,500 babies in hospitals and 8,000 samples of crying. Where a lot of parents have already tried the application. “Tried it moments ago, the webapp analyzed the right mood of the baby,” according to Ahmed, a father stated on Capella.
The application is available on iOS devices and will be available soon on Android ones. Now that’s a father-proven experience, no excuses now, daddies. AI is on women’s side this time, (I think). On a side note, father don’t raise the television’s volume when your baby cries. This one also helps.
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